Some people feel that women who stay home and take care of babies, cannot develop their intelligence, since they use baby talk and change diapers.
Interestingly, a comparison of women with their own families and those who do not have a family, shows that the opposite is the case. Those who have raised children are often more intelligent, outgoing, and personable. They have opinions about things in the world. They have a better perspective on life, and they have a more intimate understanding of the way things work.
On the other hand, those who stay at home and do not have children, have a more narrow view of the world. Trivial issues seem to be unnecessarily important to them. They are not as interested in cooperating with people as much as those who have children.
So how can we explain the situation in which a woman with no children becomes senior corporate executive and functions in an intelligent manner?
In such a case, the corporation may have become her baby. She nurtures it, and uses the corporation as a replacement for their children. She raises the corporation, so she is usually not stupid. Some women who don't have kids but stay at home reflect an infantale behavior. They may replace their own children. They become the babies, while at the same time they baby themselves.
As an example, a woman who stays home but does not have children, can misappropriate the importance of things.
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Keywords: Employment, Marturity, Motherhood, parenting