Articles about Parenting

With all of the advantages and privileges of being a mother, it is amazing that some women demand a status of equality with men.

Equality? Just what is that supposed to mean?

Man is filled with limitations. Why would woman want to be equal to man?

Women have the privilege of bringing life into this world and raising the future generation. Man goes out to work. In his limited free time he sees his children, but he does not have the privilege of doing so nearly as much as the mother.

And she wants to lower herself to the level of man? She wants to be equal to man? What is there is to gain by that?

Granted, a woman who does go out to work may earn less than a man. She is justified in feelings that this is unfair. However, that does not mean that she should demand equality. It means that she should ask for or demand the same amount of pay for equal work as a man.

But to be equal to a man? Hardly.

Furthermore, the Jewish religion raises the status of woman far beyond that of a man. There is no reason to ask for equality.

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Keyword: Personality