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Good parents need to plan in advance what they want to accomplish with their children, how they want to accomplish it, who is going to do the training of their children - them, the school, or a guardian or nanny for their child or a babysitter for their child.
If before the children are born then the father and mother know what they want to accomplish, then they should do whatever research is necessary, whether by online forums or the Internet or reading books or taking courses or speaking to experts, in order to find out how to go about achieving these goals. If, for example, one of their major goals is bilingualism or multilingualism for their children, then there is a wealth of information that is available. This information generally presents the concepts of disappointed and frustrated parents who thought about raising bilingual children too late and now had difficulties doing so.
Planning in advance is the key to being successful in these abilities, in presenting the ideas clearly to your children.
It is also important that both parents have the same plans and the same ideas. That does not mean that if, say, the parents want to raise bilingual children that they have to speak to both children in the same language. That is not the case. They do, however, have to agree to the fact that it is important for the children to be bilingual and they're going to be determined to do this and they're not going to be swayed by others who will try to discourage them from raising bilingual children, and that the methods of teaching the children or raising bilingual children will dovetail.
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Keyword: Bilingualism, Goals, Parenting, Planning, Rebels