Articles about parenting
Herd mentality

I never made a mistake in my life.
I thought I did once,
but I was wrong
- Lucy Van Pelt

Many animals fly or run together to a certain "goal." The leader of the pack may or may not know where he is going, but the followers are even less likely to give it any thought.

This is reflected by the questionable myth about lemmings who take their own lives by jumping off cliffs. That behavior - following the others in a pack - is sometimes followed by people as well. We call it a herd mentality.

Sometimes it helps. It reduces the need to make decisions. We can simply follow others out of a crowded theater.

Many parents also follow this herd mentality. They drift along with the crowd, without giving sufficient thought to the way that they should really raise their children.

Parents who want to raise perfect children may soon discover that they are working in a vacuum. Most other parents do not share their goals.

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Keywords: Peers, Quality