Articles about Parenting

Children's fashions are getting more and more repulsive. Parents are not likely to approve of their children's current fashion. They may want to persuade them to wear clothes, makeup, or jewelry that is more appropriate to a conservative and Jewish lifestyle than that exhibited by their children.

In this regard therefore, some guidelines may be in order.

If the child is merely trying to make a point about personal preference than it may be okay. If the child does nothing to affect other issues than it may be okay. If the child doesn't contravene laws of Judaism or of propriety, then the parent may have reason to be more flexible.

Draw the line when the child would make a mistake that would cause permanent damage, or one that would be irreversible or regretted later.

The child should not have to grow up with the need to bear the results of his mistakes. This may include tattoos, body piercing, or shoes that may cause foot damage.

In such cases, the parent should intervene, gently but persuasively. He should help the child realize his mistake, and understand that he would regret it later.

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