Articles about Parenting

איזהו עשיר
השמח בחלקו
Who is rich?
He who is satisfied
with his lot
- Ethics of the Fathers

The many discussions about raising leaders and fostering leadership qualities have spawned forums such as Jewish Leadership and Jewish Parenting. Yes, the world needs leaders and good parents, but that is not sufficient.

The world does not have enough followers. We cannot accomplish much in a world that is filled with pushy leaders.

Many followers do stand out in the crowd. They don't make demands. They may not have the protektzia that other people have, and they may have fewer physical comforts, but they are likely to be happy with their portion in life - שמח בחלקו.

Followers are usually polite and helpful. They serve their world, their country, their community, their people, their place of work, and their family effectively.

Yes, more Indians and fewer chiefs might make a major change in the world.

The other articles in this section demonstrate the need to refrain from being pushy in specific areas of life.

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Keyword: Parenting