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Some parents push their children to get married at the "right" age. They may believe that some children will not marry if they are not given the right push.

This is also the philosophy of many shadchanim. Matchmakers may have an additional, material incentive for encouraging clients to marry.

However, other factors should be considered as well. Pushing may create ill will or strife between the parent and the child. Granted, you may speed up the process of marriage, but you risk alienating your child. You may also make the mistake of encouraging your child to marry a person who is not suitable. The tradeoff is not worth it.

There are additional factors to keep in mind. You have invested a great deal of effort in order to develop your child's independence. That being the case, why not allow your child to make the most important decision in his life by himself? You may be involved in the process, but the final decision should be his.

A parent who has difficulty letting go may be exhibiting a desire to continue raising his child. Since the child has clearly grown up, the parent now exerts pressure with issues that are appropriate for an older child. Shouldn't the parent let the child grow up?

These issues cannot be resolved on a general basis. However, they do raise doubts about the need to push a child to get married, or about the need to push a child to marry a particular person.

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Keywords: Dating, Marriage, Raising, Shadchan