Quality time is like the concept of luck. Although there is good luck and bad luck, we use the term to mean the positive aspect. The concept of "quality" is similar - although there is good quality and bad quality, we want quality time to be good quality time.
Children sometimes grow up with the frustrating feeling that adults - including their parents - have the fun of making all the really important decisions, such as where to go on vacation or what to eat for dinner tomorrow. They frequently don’t even try to express their opinions, since they feel that they probably won’t be accepted.
It’s tough being a kid. They are told - or given the feeling - that their ideas can’t and won’t count until they are old enough to be smarter, or more mature, or until they understand more about the world.
That’s too bad. Children love to express their opinions, and they are thrilled when they can make a suggestion to an adult - if they know that it may be accepted.
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