Frequent outings are important in order to create bonding with your family. These outings do not have to be fancy. They don't have to be planned in advance. They could be based on an ad hoc decision.
Furthermore, the destination is not important. The trip does not have to be expensive. It is more important to assure that a number of people from the family will go to any destination together and do things together.
So, those entertainment parks and centers, which advertise having fun for the whole family are options. You could go there. Don't avoid those places. But the important issue is not that you go to a place where the owners tell you it is entertaining. Instead, you can find a place which you decide will be your entertainment. It does not need an official label as an entertainment location.
Thus, a store could be acceptable, just a plain park without an entertainment area, with grass where people can sit down, a ride on the train, a visit to a new location that you hadn't seen before, or a short plane ride going nowhere important. The sky's the limit. You may want look out from the top of a tall building. You may visit places that you had known before, but you can view it from a different vantage point.
Some people make tours of yeshivas or shuls in different locations. The children can bring their visit to their schools and they will be knowlegeable about different locations. You might also visit shuls that represent a different nusach or eidah.
Anything that is different from the routine is acceptable. It will give you an opportunity to share experiences, and later to recollect, share, review, and discuss joint events and experiences.
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