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Some parents choose not to take the effort of raising their children. Instead, they send them outside to let the neighborhood raise their children.
Of course, there are some parents who have no choice. They have to go out to work and they cannot afford a babysitter and for this reason their children go outside. This article will not deal with those issues, even though this situation does create a problem.
We will refer to those parents who could spend more time with their children.
Parents have a limited and unique opportunity to be able to raise children in their own image, to be like them, and to be able to have the skills and qualities which they have. They have the opportunity turn them into productive citizens who will be able to be a pride to their family, community, and the future generation.
Those who send those children out into the world when they are young and are forfeiting the opportunity and possibility of being able to raise their children and they lose out on this one-time opportunity.
They can't return later. When the children are older then they won't be able to be trained in the same way and certainly when the children reach the age that they leave home, then the amount of influence that the parents have is minimal.
The parents may at that time try to compensate for the lack of training and raising when the children were younger, but it's not the same.
The outside world also is not under your control. The children may choose good friends, but they may just as well choose friends who are inimical to their proper upbringing and to their own benefit. Those children will be raised by these friends. They will become their peer group. They will have the strong influence on them. And they may cause a great deal of damage.
The amount of time, effort, and money that you will have to invest to undo this problem will be far greater than the time that you would have spent raising the children under your control at home.
In addition, it is extremely likely that you will not be able to raise the children to your satisfaction. They may not be able to turn out the way you would like once the other children have corrupted them.
It's not worth it.
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