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How much quality time is "sufficient?"
Some parents feel that they can provide their children with a set amount of quality time, and this will be sufficient.
This concept has come into vogue in recent years, and there is much to be said for it. At least it does seem to set some minimum amounts of time.
However, there is no guarantee that a general formula will work with your child. Some children need or demand more physical time with their parents; others require less time. This time which is required may vary according to their age and circumstances. Be prepared to be flexible on this point. Even a child who is satisfied with a limited amount of quality time may have a need for extended quality time on certain occasions. Be prepared to put aside your translating to deal with scraped knees and social or academic crises immediately.
This concept of quality time means that each child has unique and personal time with the parents. It is quite important that the child know that this time is available every single day. The amount of time required varies, but consider 20-30 minutes to be an absolute minimum for each child.
It is important that the child realize from the beginning that there will be no exceptions to the quality time. They must know that the notes that they write that they will be read or you will hear them, or that the cassette which they prepared with their issues or comments, will be heard on that very same day.
Children can be flexible and can adapt themselves to the schedule of the parent. However, the relationship between the child and the parent must be mutual. The child must know that the parent is listening in order for the parent to be able to expect the child to be quiet. If this is made very very clear, and there are no exceptions to this arrangement, then the parent should be able to translate while the child is awake.
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