Articles about Parenting
Quality Time
Give them enough time!

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Raising children takes time. You can't expect to do a good job without giving your child enough time.

It may be my imagination, and it may be because I expect certain things to happen. However, I seem to have made the following judgment about the people whom I have met: Those who have more time to actually spend with their children seem to have better children. They are sweeter; they seem more well adjusted; they seem to be happier; and they seem to be more successful in their activities including school.

That does seem strange. It means that fathers who are unemployed or underemployed seem to have children who are better adjusted than fathers who are gainfully employed in a successful business that demands a large amount of their time.

There seems to be a reverse correlation between the amount of time that a person spends at work and their ability to raise children.

Of course, people have to work in order to be able to have money to raise and support their children. It is therefore a strange situation which does seem to have to find a golden mean.

A child is going to need physical property in order to be happy. True, very poor children can be happy also, but a good parent does provide the children with their necessities. Therefore, parents should strive to find a way in which they can maximize the time that they spend on the children while if possible minimizing the amount of time in the other aspects of their lives which can possibly be dispensable which is their work.

Granted, this is not always a feasible option. However, it should be a goal for good parenting. It should reverse the tide of quality parenting and start a new trend in quantity parenting.

Of course, we need both. We need quality and quantity, but the only way to move in the direction of more quantity parenting is maybe by reducing the quality. Perhaps the more that the children see parents around the less the parents have to be concerned about the quality of the time that they offer. A great deal of parents' presence may well replace the quality that they feel they have to offer.

After all the concept of quality parenting came about only when the parents had less time to offer their children.

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