Articles about Parenting
Raising children
Should your children join clubs?

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There are various levels of education. There are academic settings and there are also after school settings which are either academic or non-academic but that benefit from a much more relaxed style. These are often called clubs. Parents send their children to the clubs for enrichment or social or sports activities and benefits.

Is there an advantage to sending children to these clubs?

Well, if the alternative is sending the child to a club or letting him just run around on the streets without supervision, then the clubs are certainly superior. If the parents feel that they are too busy to give the child sufficient time and they need something to keep the child busy, then go right ahead and send the child to the club.

Other questions arise, however, with parents who do have the time to offer their children many things. They can help the children learn the special talents and skills that they have. They can help them study the things that need to be studied from school and to go beyond those things. They can help the children maintain the same way of life as they have by teaching them these things. They can raise the children as bilinguals. And the list can go on and on. There are many things that parents can offer their children. Many of these parents don't do it because they claim they don't have the time.


However, those parents who have given thought to how they want to raise their children and they have set goals for their children before they were born, may well choose to do more with their children than just send them to a club where they will just have limited enrichment and a great deal of supervised freedom.

Clearly, there is nothing inherently negative about clubs. However, it is also clear that a parent who cares more about his child may want to offer the child more than what the clubs have to give.

Thus, if the parent does choose to send the child to a club, perhaps the number of clubs can be limited and the amount of parental time and benefits can be maximized.

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Keywords: Bilingualism, Perfect, Planning, Raising, Wedding