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Raising children
Dealing with Peer Pressure

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It is very difficult to deal with children who face peer pressure. Peer pressure is always stronger than parental influence. The children would much rather follow the lead of the peers than of their parents. This makes difficulties for raising the children.

If the parents have one set of ideals and goals then they should be able to raise the children if they follow the guidelines described in this website.

On the other hand, if the child is influenced by other children, then those children are likely to be the controlling influence no matter how good the parents do their job or their part. Children will naturally follow the lead of their own peers. This is the case even though others, their peers, might not have sensible goals or they might have no goals at all. They might not be as intelligent. They might do things which are disruptive to a child's life or even harmful. All of these things are less of a consideration than the fact that they have a greater control than the parents.

And even if the child sees that the parent has his own benefit and good at heart and that the parent is going to help and the parent has a good track record of help and support, whereas the peers do not have a good track record and it is clear that the peers are going to lead the child in a negative path, these facts are irrelevant and the peers are always likely to win out.

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Keywords: Bilingualism, Peers, Perfect, Planning, Raising, Wedding