Very often, people with problems speak to a number of contacts. This is not a wise idea.
It is preferable to speak to one trusted confidant, and to give that confidant all of the necessary information. This is extremely difficult, and it may be difficult to difficult to present potentially embarrassing details to someone who is close to you. On the other hand, it is also unwise to give a wide range of people the pertinent fact or factors.
The best solution may be to develop a relationship with a confidant at an early stage, before a crisis arises, so that you can use the benefits of that confidant later. A confidant should have the wisdom to be able to understand and resolve issues and problems. He should be able to suggest alternatives. He should not look at you in a negative light when you explain occurrences which could happen to anybody under any situation. That confidant may be one of your most important investments when dealing with life’s crises.
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