Make every effort to avoid a power struggle with your child. This might be necessary because you want to educate the child. However, the situation can be quite complex.
You may either win or lose the power struggle. If you lose, then your child may impose sanctions - or worse. If you win then your child - who is unlikely to be a good loser - may take steps to get back at you.
True, it would be useful to teach your child how to accept instructions, punishments, and rebuke before he rebels. However, these steps are very advanced and mature for many children. Your child may create a power struggle or have temper tantrums in order to exhibit his independence. In such cases, the child should receive professional consultation - not because it bothers you, but because he cannot survive in the big world with this attitude.
It is wise to set an example by being calm and by refraining from making exorbitant demands. Give in gracefully if it is justified - and then point out to your child that you have done so.
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