You cannot prevent or restrain your child from rebelling.
In the fable, a king wanted to prevent Sleeping Beauty from pricking her finger on a spinning machine, so he banned spinning machines from the kingdom. However, one machine had not been destroyed, and Sleeping Beauty happened to locate it.
Similarly, there is no way to protect a child from every negative stage in life.
A more reasonable approach is to deal with his stages so that he can settle down and acts like an adult. You may hope that the child's rebellion will be limited in duration and intensity.
A child who has felt love, acceptance, and warmth before the rebellion, will be able to return to that warm feeling afterwards. This is also the case when a child rebels in stronger ways, such as leaving home. During or subsequent to the rebellion it will be more difficult to compensate for any previous lack. This is important, because you may not be able to determine the onset of an impending rebellion.
Keep in mind that the child may not react properly to your efforts - but you do have to try. Even if he does accept your feelings, they may be canceled by the child's peers and by their interpretation of your motives.
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