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In most cases it is not recommended to try something that fails. If it doesn't work then you should learn from that experience and try something different. Don't repeat the mistakes.
With the issue of reconciliation, however, the situation may be different. If your efforts at reconciliation failed, try again. Try it the same way, try it a different way. Try it over and over again.
The only consideration should be that there is willingness on both sides. If there is not willingness on both sides, if one side does not want to reconcile then you have reason to postpone the reconciliation until and if both sides are ready. You can hope that that will take place, but there is no guarantee, of course.
However, with a justifiable willingness on both sides and with a reasonable determination to succeed, there is little reason or justification why you should not try over and over again.
This involves the possibility of communication as well. You may feel that your efforts at communication have failed and this may discourage you from trying to communicate once more.
This is unfortunate. Do try to communicate. Do take another effort, as long as both sides are interested.
Communication does not always work the first time and it is wrong to be discouraged.
This does not mean that the reconciliation should be an obsession. Just be reasonable about it and try to have a reconciliation.
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