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Yes, an amazing statement.
G-d is offering to return to His people, to forget and forgive everything, so to speak. All He's askiing is they return to Him.
That seems like a pretty clear proposition, a pretty fair request. And yet, these people who have done wrong ask how shall we return? What do we need to do? What's the problem? I don't understand. Tell me what to do. Help me. Just give me the indication of what you want and I'll do that.
It's pretty obvious what you need to do. Take all of the bad things that you've been doing, stop them, and start doing the right things, and G-d has made it quite clear exactly what the right things are that need to be done. There are no secrets. There are no surprises. Just follow the rules that have been set down.
Very often people who are given the opportunity for reconciliation try to make themselves look good. They try to show that they really don't know what needs to be done. They don't know what problems there are. They don't know that they've done anything wrong, and they say what do you want me to do? What's the problem? What are you so upset about?
Perhaps this is their way of saving face. Perhaps this is their way of saying that they didn't realize that they were doing anything wrong. Had they known then they would have not done it and they would certainly do the right thing.
However, they usually do know and the result is that it makes them in all too many case it just makes them look foolish.
Granted, in any reconciliation process there may be specific questions that need to be worked out, specific issues that need to be understood, and there has to be communication in order to understand the right way to undo problems. But those are specific issues and in general, the questions that are asked the questions that indicate what is it that you want? What did I do wrong? What needs to be done? Those questions can usually be answered in just one word.
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