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The best way to predict what a person will do is to find out what his hidden agenda is, what he really wants to accomplish.
This does not necessarily match his stated goals when he says that he wants something to be done. It is more likely to match his hidden agenda and once you know his hidden agenda, what he really wants to accomplish not what he says he wants to accomplish, then you can predict what he wants to do.
How can you find out what the hidden agenda is?
You can find out by past performance but not past statements what he wants to do.
If the person is very close to you then you might be able to find out from his life goals if you know what they are. If those life goals were prepared by somebody other than the person, then be careful - he may want to do precisely the opposite of the life goals - especially if he wants to rebel against the person who has prepared those life goals.
As an example, one person may bear a grudge against another. He may wish him harm. He has two ways of dealing with this desire.
One way is to beat up the other guy, to let out his hatred in a clear and open way or to do him physical or mental harm or social harm in an active way. There is no hidden agenda here. The observer knows exactly what was intended.
But with a more intelligent person or a more cunning person the attack might be different. The person might act very pleasant to his enemy, to the person he bears a grudge against, but he may lead him astray. He may do things that will cause the person to ultimately suffer. He may try to win the person over into deals that will ultimately harm him or arrangement that will ultimately harm him or he may win the person's trust and then have that person leave friends who might help him.
In all of these cases, if one knows the ultimately goal then one can then it is possible to deal with this situation in an intelligent way and not to fall into any trap.
This is possible only when carrying out a calm assessment of the situation so that you know what is going on.
A heated response to an attack or a non-thinking response to an action by somebody else might cause a person to fall into the trap.
For example, if a person wants to harm another if a person in a place of work wants to harm another he has several possibilities. The most cunning might be to act in ways that would annoy the other person. He will do nothing wrong but the real goal, the hidden goal, will be to have that person lose his patience and then shout at him, have a shouting match in public or possibly even hit the other person.
As soon as that happens the offended person who had an ulterior motive and a hidden agenda for acting the way he did, will simply report that this person is not stable. After all he hit him. He will report the beating or the shouting and he will say this person is not worthy of working in this establishment.
He got his way. It was worth a few potches to him or it was worth being yelled at because as a result he received his ultimate goal - to get rid of this person in an elegant and cunning manner.
However, the person who understands the hidden agenda, who realizes that the person is trying to trick him into reacting in this manner will be able to defend himself in the best possible way. He will simply not react to the temptations to shout or hit and in so doing he will simply frustrate the sparring partner.
He has used his intelligence to proactively defend himself against the attacks of his enemy.
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Keywords: Agenda, Goals, Method