What happens when it is impossible to correct the damage that has been done? What if no amount of money can compensate for placing blame? What if it is unlikely that the lost money can be retrieved?
What if it involves the life or health of a dear one who can never be brought back?
In these cases one cannot expect the usual order of priorities to take place. Yes, it is necessary to grieve over the loss. However, the person does need to get on with his life. He has to move ahead.
That does not mean that one forgets. It does mean that the basic issue has to be handled together with the rebuilding and getting on with life.
Does this mean that the evil is forgotten?
Of course not. It means that the important issue in this case is a return to normal functioning followed by finding ways to punish the wrongdoer.
In other words when there is irreversible damage, the order of handling the issue is reversed.
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Keyword: blame