If you think you can, Many people try to accomplish the impossible. They are invariably and inevitably upset when they do not achieve their unrealistic goals.
This series of articles about what you can do is intended to help people limit themselves to reasonable, achievable, and reachable goals. Yes, reach for the stars, but work towards that which is feasible.
These articles also explain two extremes on the same continuum that we face when dealing with a problem:
Escape means doing everything possible in order to avoid dealing with a problem
Damage control means doing everything possible to limit the effects of an existing problem.
A good analysis of the situation will determine whether either of these options is appropriate, or whether it would be wise to invoke a third, middle-of-the-road approach.
Of course, there is also the option of fixing the problem, but that is not in the purview of this series of articles. Fixing or correcting problems is only an option for those selected issues that you Can Do.
you can.
And if you think you can't
you're right
- Mary Kay Ash
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