Articles about psychology
What you can do

A human being
should be able
to change a diaper,
plan an invasion,
butcher a hog,
conn a ship,
design a building,
write a sonnet,
balance accounts,
build a wall,
set a bone,
comfort the dying,
take orders,
give orders,
act alone,
solve equations,
analyze a new problem,
pitch manure,
program a computer,
cook a tasty meal,
fight efficiently,
die gallantly.
is for insects.
- Robert Heinlein

People have been able to accomplish very difficult things despite unfortunate circumstances that are beyond their control. They argue that they can do anything if they set their mind to it. They may point to others who can rise above, compensate, or overcompensate for their physical, mental, or social limitations – through sheer determination.

These people also stand out for by having an additional trait. It is rare for them to blame others for their problems.

If you are among that elite, then more power to you.

However, although that approach has validity, we question whether the rest of us should invest the effort required to achieve those goals. We may dream the impossible dream, but most of us are likely to accomplish more if we invest in the possible goal.

You can't do everything

People need to know their limits. They need to determine what they can accomplish, and leave the rest for others.

Since we cannot win all of our battles, it may be wise to choose them carefully.

In this way, we are likely to happier and to experience more fulfillment.

That is much better than sitting back and blaming other situations or people for our inadequacies.

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Keywords: Blame, Disabled