La almohada There is a desperate need for independent consultants in just about every field.
People would be happy to pay an expert in air conditioning, plumbing, banking, housing, financing, or computers, in order to understand their purchase.
The air conditioner salesman has a vested interest in his product. He is not the one to tell you which air conditioner is best for your needs. The bank manager should not be the one to explain how to finance your home. An independent consultant who is not beholden to any side or party would serve your needs best.
Medical procedures often require a second opinion. In some cases, this may be a problem, because some physicians support others in the same trade. They do not always recommend other physicians based on their merits, but rather based on professional and (more likely) social encounters.
An independent physician or medical body could help laymen deal with medical issues, but they are difficult to find.
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Keywords: Counseling, Independence