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How to Have a Discussion

If people
listened to themselves
more often,
they would talk less.
- Courtois's Rule

Many people believe that they are having a discussion when they speak to somebody else. However, that is not necessarily the case. Talking is only one element of a good discussion. Granted, you cannot have a discussion without communication, but a lot more is involved.

A discussion involves fairness. Both or all parties to the discussion must have an equal say, with equal status, and everybody's opinion must be valued in an equal manner.

Thus, a successful discussion assures that neither side will have an implicit stipulation or understanding of the conclusion. They will not insist on achieving results according to their own agenda or their own view of right or wrong. Although they may call such communications "discussions," they are more likely to fit into other categories:

However, they are not discussions.

Perhaps we could say that the opposite of a good discussion is a power play or an exhibition of a desire to control.

A good goal-oriented discussion will end with a clear conclusion, and with at least one action statement, so that the participants know and understand the next step.

Undoing a problem

It is often difficult to correct a problem such as an appeal to emotion. You cannot simply say, "OK, let's just start all over again" after you have offended your discussion partner. It usually doesn’t work that way.

A good discussion leader will take the necessary steps to assure that such conversation-stoppers are prevented, and he will deal with any problem that does arise before it gets out of hand.

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Keywords: Communicate, Control, Fight, Goals, Intermediary, Method