Leave them alone You can't possibly win all of your battles. They may be just, proper, good, and true, but you'll wear yourself out dealing with every petty squabble.
For this reason, it makes sense to choose those issues that are sufficiently important. Let others win the other issues.
Be even more selective. Limit your fights to issues that you are capable of winning. Those issues will lead to a greater sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, and you will feel that you are in greater control of your world.
True, some fish may escape. You may lose some good fights.
You may also have to put up with those who will imply that just one more battle would have given you that big prize.
That should not be a problem. Try to avoid thinking about the battles that you turned down. It is far more important to follow your own goals and to understand why you have selected your own battles.
More importantly - in some cases, the situation will just correct itself - and "they'll come home, wagging their tails behind them."
and they’ll come home
Wagging their tails behind them
- Suggestion to
Little Bo Peep
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Keyword: Control, Targeting