Sometimes people do fight. It's part of life. There may also be advantages to having fights. However, it is important to fight fair and clean.
Those who fight fair have a chance to make up with and have a civil relationship with the adversary in the future - if not a friendship. Those who fight dirty may turn a minor squabble into a long-term and possibly never-ending battle that may never be resolved in the future.
What is the difference between a clean and fair fight, and a dirty fight?
Partners in a fair fight face each other and go to battle. May the best man win.
Partners in a dirty fight use methods that put the partner at an unfair disadvantage. The sides are no longer equal:
That's dirty.
When you slander your partner, he can respond in only one of two ways:
The goal of a dirty fight may change frequently. The original topics become forgotten or irrelevant. Partners wash their dirty laundry in public, and the fight is likely to become embroiled in larger and uglier things.
The partners in a fair fight know and stick to the original issues. That battle may have a real winner, and there may indeed be a fight over right and wrong.
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Keywords: Fight, Intermediary, Skeletons, Slander, Truth