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Burning bridges

The intense power of hate focuses inward as well as outward.

Some people are so swept up with their hate that they do things that they may well regret later on. They assure themselves that their love-hate object will not and cannot return to them.

They burn their bridges.

Sometimes they act out of fear. They realize that they have made mistakes, but they have to justify their actions to themselves, to their support group, and to their peers.

Those who have demonstrated their hatred to others have yet an additional problem. They must face people who have believed and encouraged them during this time. Their supporters have accepted the hatred as valid, genuine, and legitimate.

Imagine how difficult it would be for the offender to retract their frequent and intense accusations. Her acquaintances will surely accuse her of being fickle at best - and crazy at worst. The offender feels that nothing positive can be said at this point, so she increases the intensity of her accusations. Again, this leads to burning her bridges.

However, these increased efforts do not help either. The intense hate, which continues to grow because of the support of those who want to help her, creates guilt feelings. She realizes that she is doing something wrong, and that her hatred is improper. This creates a secondary problem within the troubled individual.

The feeling that nobody seems to understand her creates a tug-of-war in her own mind. It seems to confirm that she has no place to go. She cannot go to her friends, because they don't understand her. Deep inside she knows that they are really causing more damage than good. She cannot return to her love/hate object, because she has burned her bridges.

The object of her love/hate cannot help the person. She will require the assistance of a qualified professional in order to realize and relate to her own mistake. After understanding where she has gone, she will have to make important choices about her future.

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Keywords: Hate, Reconciliation