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In some cases a person who either suffers from hatred or a person who is involved in hatred, hating another person, can benefit from some guidance.

Note that there is a major difference between guidance in order to help the problem, in which everybody is working towards resolving the issue, and third party, involvement.

Guidance involves no lashon harah. It is simply a statement of the issue and a request for help in terminating the problem that exists in an amicable way. But it in no way means that the third party is the guide or the counselor or the psychologist or the rabbi is involved in the situation. Everybody should walk away from this situation peacefully, knowing that they have all done everything possible in order to resolve the issue and that is their goal.

Basically, the guidance is the opposite of the third party involvement.

What should the guide or other personnel do?

We have developed, you can read, an entire section about solving problems.

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Keywords: Counseling, Intermediary, Slander