צרור את המדינים A person can make a third party suffer even if they barely know that third party.
This happens frequently in the computer industry. It uses a method called spoofing.
A person sends out a message that lodges in various computers. That message sends out spoofed, unwanted e-mail from to people listed in the new host's address book.
The recipient knows the sender, but that sender does not realize that his computer has sent out the damaging message.
Similarly, an individual could instigate another person to harm or do evil things to a third person.
Why should somebody listen to such a request? Aren't people innately good? What's in it for the third party?
Sometimes there may indeed be something in it for them, but in many other cases a person with a strong personality can persuade others to set aside their better judgment and to do evil things. Some people may even convince others to spend time or money, or even to endanger themselves, mentally or physically. They may also affect their happiness, their future, their employment, their children, or their relationships.
A person's psyche and sense of judgment is quite fragile, and it can be affected or harmed easily by charismatic, manipulative, or persuasive people or by those in power.
In most cases these evildoers do not feel, think, or realize that they are doing anything wrong. To the contrary, they may believe that they are doing good by ridding the world of an evil influence or opponent. Consider those who wanted to offer the world the benefits of an Aryan race, and others who believe that the Koran tells them to destroy their enemies.
Yes, it does seem strange for people to do the opposite of our logic.
והכיתם אותם
What would be the motive for such evil actions?
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Keywords: Evil, Intermediary, Opposites