Articles about psychology
The difference
between genius and stupidity
is that even genius
has its limits
- Rita Mae Brown
Only two things
are certain:
the universe
and human stupidity;
and I’m not certain
about the universe
- Albert Einstein
may have its limitations,
but stupidity
is not thus handicapped
- Elbert Hubbard
Like a ten-speed bike,
most of us have gears
we do not use
- Charles Schultz
Bozone (n.):
The substance
surrounding stupid people
that stops bright ideas
from penetrating.
The bozone layer,
shows little sign
of breaking down
in the near future.
- Source unknown
Dopeler effect:
The tendency
of stupid ideas
to seem smarter
when they come at you
- Source unknown
He may look like an idiot
and talk like an idiot,
but don’t let that fool you.
He really is an idiot
- Groucho Marx

ISBI stands for I'm Surrounded By Idiots.

In this website, ISBI represents the foolish situations that we face, as well as the people who perpetrate this foolishness. You'll be able to keep that straight, right? After all, you're not an ISBI.

Today's world has a superabundance of people who do foolish things in many different ways. Albert Einstein said that there's a limit to intelligence, but no limit to stupidity.

The world is filled with people who could be smarter if they would only use their brains. Unfortunately, many of those ISBIs hold down serious and responsible political and administrative positions, and some of them determine the future of their subordinates as well as the larger community.

There may be little that can be done about it besides drawing attention to the problem. That may makes this section different from others in this website. Sigh.

Perhaps you, too, are surrounded by otherwise bright people who are nonetheless brain-challenged. If so, then you no longer have to waste time exclaiming, "I'm Surrounded By Idiots." You can simply express your exasperation and frustration by shouting the acronym, "ISBI!"

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Keywords: Definitions, Intelligence