One important thing to learn about in order to survive in life is to decide when to stay with something when you know that you are right and when to drop something when you know that you are wrong.
People will probably argue with you no matter which decision that you make, so the important decision that you have to make is based on knowledge.
If you know that you are right, then don't let people dissuade you from doing what needs to be done. If you know that you are wrong, then don't let people convince you to continue doing it.
Thus, this knowledge is not merely power as people say. It is more than power. It is the only thing that matters. Once you have this knowledge then you will have no question about how you should act in life and what you should do.
Making a decision, therefore, is not simply based on what people think or your ideas or what is convenient or a preference. These things might be a result of your decision but they should not be the basis for that decision.
The problem is that it may be difficult to determine what is right and what is wrong.
Although it's true that you should not base your ideas of right or wrong on what people say, the other side of the coin is true as well. It is important to be able to listen to somebody whom you trust in order to be able to determine what is right or wrong. Once you are convinced about the facts then you should follow this fact and this truth without veering from it.
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Keywords: Confidant, Intelligence