Learning to multi-task may take a considerable amount of time and the investment of a considerable amount of money. At the end one can rarely predict all of the ultimate side effects which will develop over the course of time. It therefore means taking a considerable risk. This risk is necessary if the person is having great difficulty functioning at all. However, if the person is functioning and is merely inefficient then it is preferable to leave the situation as it is and in the case of task switching versus multi-tasking people the person is usually functioning at a satisfactory level with task switching but simply being less efficient. That is usually not a good enough reason a sufficient reason for making such a major change in the person’s very way of acting.
If the situation is such that the person is not functioning at work or at the job then a better solution would usually be to tell the person to get a different job or to work with the employer in order to modify the job requirements so that the person will be able to handle it using task switching. Perhaps on the job the addition of an assistant or of a secretary even part time can reduce enough of the multi-tasking requirements so that the person will be able to continue doing the job well. If the boss complains then the person the client might consider taking a reduction in salary in order to partially offset the additional cost of the added personnel.
Clearly, in the workplace if there is a problem this becomes a complex issue and it may not be worthwhile to make this change. However, in that case the person may do well to find a different job even if means moving to a different location in order to perform that job.
On the other hand, if there is difficulty in general with coping with the family or with interpersonal relations and no other method seems to work then it may be necessary to make the drastic change.
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