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Some people are calm about their situation in life, and accepting, and some people are angry.

The anger itself is not really a problem. It doesn't matter. Go ahead. Be angry, if that's the way you feel, and perhaps you should do something to handle your anger, but if you don't handle your anger that doesn't really matter. Go be angry.

The problem is not their anger but what they do about it.

In some cases those who are angry the problems arise when those people who are angry try to influence others about the target of their anger.

Let us take, for example, a woman who is dissatisfied with the actions or behavior of her husband. She may berate the husband or take out her anger in various was and she may go further as well. She may tell other people about how to deal with men, how to berate them, how to keep them in their place, how to show them things in an angry way in order to punish men.

This too would not be a problem if people would listen to what this woman has to say and accept it from where it comes and then just try to ignore it or not to pay it any attention. They might let the woman vent her feelings and opinions and then go about their lives.

The problems begin to arise when these angry women are convincing in their arguments and they cause other people to be angry, to accept their anger. The angry person's behavior is then transferred to other people and if they too behave in a similar way towards the same target of the angry person. If the angry person is upset with her husband, then the recipients of her harangue might act similarly towards their own husbands or fathers. This angry person has then had an affect which is indeed serious. It is no longer her own problem but now she is a menace to society. She's causing other people to have problems as well. She is destroying families and relationships. This is indeed a serious thing, much worse than the original problem.

There are thus two kinds of angry people: There is the angry person who keeps her anger to herself and this is a minimal difficulty and problem because her ill will is limited to her own targets.

There is this second kind of angry person who influences others to act in the same angry way that she acts. Her targets which are going to be nasty to their targets in turn, her targets do not realize that there is anything wrong or bad. They are under her influence and her control and they feel that they are doing the right thing because they are listening to and following the advice that she has to present.

When somebody has a major harangue and she tries to convince you of certain things, you would do well to investigate the situation. Is she making sense? Is the target of her anger justified? And is she going to cause damage or bad to occur beyond her own sphere of influence?

If the answer to any of these questions is in the positive, then watch out. Take whatever steps to insure yourself that you will not be influenced by this angry person.

It may cause you severe and long-lasting damage.

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