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Solving problems
Damage control

שב ואל תעשה

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Many things need to be done in order to solve problems. In some cases, the first stage should be to limit the growth and extent of the problem so that it doesn't get any worse. In so doing you will be able to deal with the issues at hand rather than having the frustrating task of dealing with those issues as well as an increasing number of additional, new issues.

The goal of damage control is to limit the damage in this way.

When there's a problem there is likely to be damage. The damage may even be significant. That does not mean that this is an excuse to make rash judgments or to take far-reaching steps. Instead, it's important to stop things from getting further out of hand.

The concept of "stopping" keeps returning in this issue. Don't do things. Don't do additional things until you can evaluate the situation calmly and properly, and until you can determine the right direction in which to go. At that point you will be able to make the most appropriate decisions.

This might be difficult to accomplish. After all, you probably feel that you want to do something. You want to turn back the clock and to re-create a situation that resembles life before the damage occurs.

However, there is no way that you can do this. The damage has already been done. Now, have to stop it from increasing – or else you will be wildly trying to put out fires.

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Keyword: Control, Decisions, Problems