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Everybody has problems. However, some people seem to give the impression that they have fewer problems than others and the rest of us may be jealous of those people.
Don't worry. Those people also have their share of problems, but they have different ways of dealing with them.
One way that we are going to discuss here is the fact that they learn from experience, either their own experiences or the experiences of others and as a result they can deal with more problems than you.
It's important to observe and to listen to how other people resolve their problems. In that way when you have a similar issue, then you can draw on the experiences of others and you can be sure that you do not repeat their mistakes.
Similarly, if you have a problem and you were able to resolve it successfully or even if you failed, then it is also important to learn from the mistakes or the successes and make sure that you improve your chances for the next time.
This may also help give you a positive feeling and help you show others this feeling. If you look like a person who has fewer problems then people will believe that you have fewer problems. If they do not relate to you as a person filled with problems and they do not keep giving you sympathy for problems, then you will continue to believe that you have fewer problems. This will result in a positive outlook and it will indeed decrease the number of problems that you have.
The fact that you will have problems is irrelevant. The fact that you have your share of problems is also irrelevant, if you give the impression that you do not have as many problems.
In other words, if you would not give this impression to others, then whatever number of problems that you have now...
You would have had more otherwise.
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Keywords: Failure, Problems, Skeletons