Articles about psychology
אין בית
אשר אין בו מת
There was death
in every home
- Killing of the firstborn in Egypt
is being the only one
who knows
you're afraid.
- David Hackworth

Everyone has a peckele.

Some people tend to avoid others who have a peckele. Others seem to sympathize to an exaggerated degree with those who have peckelech. What is a peckele? A peckele is a burdon, some extra package that people have that they would rather not have. It comes from the Yiddish. It's related to the skeleton that some people have in their closet.

The main difference among people with peckelech is the way they deal with them. Some people let the peckele overwhelm them and indeed it may be overwhelming, so that they cannot function. Others like to tell the world, tell everybody about their peckele. They like to share their troubles and their worries and still others like to keep the peckele inside themselves. They don't like to have other people worry about their problems. They keep their own problems to themselves.

Perhaps the best way is to reach a happy medium among all of these options.

The important thing to keep in mind, however, is that when you look at a person, you can never tell what their peckele is. They usually try to keep it to themselves.

But don't think that when you see a person you can tell whether they have a peckele or not. A person with a big smile who looks happy might be putting up a front in order to hide their peckele. They might have suffered greatly and they might be continuing to suffer in many ways, but they choose not to let others know about this.

You see others seem to be immensely happy and successful in life. Everything seems to go well for them. Everything seems to go their way and you think, "Uh! I have finally found someone who has no peckele."

Don't be fooled. The person does have a peckele. That person is merely hiding it.

There are those who choose to date or marry. How those who have no skeletons in her closet and those who have no peckelech.

They are about to be fooled or disappointed when they discover that their or their spouse does indeed have peckelech.

They simply have found somebody who is able to hide it better than others, but as you get to know somebody, whoever you get to know, together with their fine features you also discover their peckele or peckelech. It comes out as you get to know a person well enough and while a person can put on a show of being in a situation in which everything is going well for them, anyone who gets to know that person well enough will discover the peckele.

That peckele does not have to affect the person's function. Indeed, a psychologists who is trying to help an individual with a problem does not necessarily have to unearth his peckele. It may be sufficient to deal with the specific problem at hand.

In other cases the psychologist will indeed have to open things up and and unearthing of the peckele that may be in some cases even be the catharsis that the person requires in order to function better.

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Keywords: Introspection, Peckele, Resilience, Tzafun