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There are many people who suffer from certain sensitivities or even allergies to various foods. Allergies and sensitivities can be learned and they may have a psychological basis.

A person may have a reason to develop a sensitivity to a food which disgusts him perhaps in the way that the food looked in its original form when alive, perhaps in its preparation or in its handling or in the way that it's served or any other factor that relates to the issues surrounding the food.

As either of course not medical issues and the person simply has a sensitivity to issues relating to the food.

Can these issues develop into permanent sensitivities? Of course they can. The sensitivity may remain even when the person is given food that does not have the factors that caused the sensitivity. The person does not have the repulsive feelings about the preparation of the food but deep down back in the person's recesses of the brain or brain recesses he remembers even possibly unconsciously or subconsciously he remembers the things that caused him to have the original sensitivity and so that sensitivity presents.

This sensitivity can then develop into greater issues such as an allergy or even more. The sensitivity can thus have a great impact on the way that a person is able to deal with and manage with these foods in his normal life.

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