Silence is the unbearable repartee. - G K Chesterton |
If your mind goes blank, don't forget to turn off the sound. - Red Green |
The best time to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or bust. Josh Billings |
Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing - Source unknown |
Were you ever in a position in which you sat at a lecture and the person talked to you and the lecturer spoke at great length and put a lot of the people to sleep. Were you the victim of a one-on-one talk in which you were just bored because the person spoke too much and you turned off and did not listen to what was said?
This is indeed the case in many situations and it may often be useful not to talk. When you talk you turn somebody off and if your goal is get attention you may want to do the opposite of talking rather than to turn the person off.
That is the beauty of silence. It is the opposite of talking and although it could turn people off in certain cases it could also be a very effective tool in others.
When talk fails or when talk could fail it is often effective to use the opposite of talk which is silence.
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