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Everybody seems to have their own theories about sleep, why they do sleep well or don't sleep well, whether it's better to sleep for the entire night or better to get up in the middle of the night, what methods they use in order to sleep, whether it's good to take a npa in the middle of the afternoon or whether it will kill their sleep, or at what part of the day a nap is going to reduce their sleep at night, and what will make them more tired or less tired. How they need to prepare for their work, whether it's to get extra sleep or not.

An interesting thing about these theories is that they are rarely based on a person's own semi-empirical evaluation of his own situation. It is almost always based on listening to other people and their solutions to their own problems about sleep and the nusing others people's experience.

The problem with sleep, as with so many other issues is that the causes and the cures are based on individual needs. Everybody sleeps differently. Everybody's needs are different. Everybody's biological clock is different and so on. Issues of culture and family come in as well to make it impossible to judge issues relating to sleep based on the needs of another person.

In this way peer pressure and the herd instinct come to play.

In addition, misguided parents who do not understand the importance of sleep at the right time often raise their children to develop biological clocks that are in appropriate.

Nobody seems to have enough time to be able to evaluate their own true sleep needs. Those few people who may want to do this make too many exceptions because of other issues that come up that they don't want to dismiss or they don't want to let them go by.

As a result, sleep, which is one of the most important ways of controlling our time is not given the proper consideration and many of us walk through life tired because of our theories about sleep.

Of course, there are medical, pharmaceutical, and psychological aspects to sleep and each field offers its own cures. Perhaps before trying some of these measures people should just sit down and think about their own needs and see if they can work out their own problems in a logical way based upon their own particular needs. Any thinking person should be able to do this without resorting to the assistance of professionals and possibly only discussing issues with the people in his close family. Failing this, of course, he will have to speak to professionals.

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Keyword: health, parenting, peers, time