Articles about psychology
The only reason
for time
is so that
doesn't happen
at once.
- Albert Einstein
is the coin of your life.
It is the only coin you have
and only you can determine
how it will be spent.
Be careful
lest you let other people
spend it for you.
- Carl Sandburg

This series of websites has two very different sections on time and time management:

The present section discusses proper ways for a person to fill his day, or avoiding a tendency to waste time. These issues are important when evaluating a persons's psyche and future.

A separate section in a different website discusses methods of more efficient business and work skills.

The concept

The best way to understand the concept of time is by a deadline. A deadline is when the time has ended.

If we think about it on a larger scale, we realize that we all of us have deadlines. Everybody has a deadline. That's when our time ends to do what we have to do, whatever we're supposed to accomplish here on this planet.

The only problem is that we don't know when our deadline is. In rare cases, our doctor does give us a deadline. That deadlline is usually very soon. It's generally too late to accomplish anything once we know about our deadline. Everything has to be finished before the deadline or it will not be done at all. That's the problem: time is enigmatic. It ends for everybody at a different time and nobody knows when that is.

When we think about time in those terms we realize that it would be wise for us to accomplish whatever we can, when we can, and once we have completed everything that we are supposed to have completed then we can sit back and relax and know that the rest of our time is free for us to do other things that we might want to do as long as they are virtuous things to do.

Another problem therefore is that many people do the things that they feel like doing, which are not necessarily virtuous, they do the things that they feel like doing without considering the fact that those things are coming at the expense of their very precious time and they might not necessarily have the time to spare at the end. The priorities should be reversed and now at the early stages of their life, when they are healthy and they are able to do the things, then they should do what they were put on the planet for because later on they may not be able to accomplish it. People who are young very often do not think about this very obvious. They fritter away the time when they can be accomplishing what they should and later on, unfortunately, they can't do it. They are then left in a position in which they are very disappointed at the end because they have things left that they would have liked to do and their time has run out or their abilities and capabilities of accomplishing those things have run out. They can no longer do those things.

The time to do things is while you can.

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