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We usually don't have the luxury of an extended amount of time to handle our affairs.
Deep down, we know that things are done better if we first deal with them, let them sit, and then return to look at them afresh.
Translators, editors, and writers know that it is important to put work aside after the first draft. When we look at the work a few days later, we can revise and present the document more successfully.
Yet, many people do prepare material at the last minute. Our system encourages that problem.
Teachers often assign papers and projects at the last minute rather than encouraging students to work on them through the semester. Students rarely internalize the benefits of preparing an annual plan for their own work. They prepare their lessons (at best) on a day to day basis, because they follow the incorrect lead of their own teachers. Similarly, teacher training academies encourage future teachers to prepare for one lesson at a time.
Principals plan the next school year during the summertime - and all too often, in the last few days before school starts.
The system requires them to be in school during the summer. Thus, it doesn't help if the principal works efficiently and prepares during the course of the previous school year. He will have to be in school anyhow during the summertime, so he has to do last minute cramming even if he has already planned efficiently before that. In this way, the system tells principals not to bother doing their work efficiently, since they will be required to be in school anyhow at the last minute.
Most other professions and endeavors follow a similar pattern. People who do things in advance or more efficiently are not respected. People tell them that they're Yekkas.
A soldier who finishes his assignment sooner is likely to be given another job to fill the remaining time. It is therefore not wise to do things sooner.
It doesn't pay to do things efficiently. Our system convinces people to do things at the last minute.
What a shame.
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Keywords: Administration, Editing, Education, TeachingTime, Translation, Writing