Perhaps it is important to keep just one rule rule in mind when planning how long something will take: Things take longer than you expect. Perhaps that should be the guideline for planning any project.
It seems that logically you can plan how long things take based on experience and knowledge, but reality always seems to pop up and to have other unanticipated considerations. Time doesn't make any sense. It isn't logical.
You can never allot enough overhead of time. You always need more time than you were prepared to allow.
Although this website does try to find reasons, excuses, and explanations for things that happen, this is one phenomenon that will never be able to be explained in any other website or by any other expert.
There is never enough time to prepare for Shabbat. Shabbat always needs just a bit more time. Perhaps that is understandable during the coldest days of winter, but shouldn't there be sufficient time in the summer?
Apparently not. Although your menu may be comparable to that which you use in the winter, you'll still need just a few more minutes during the peak of the summer.
All of these facts lead to just one unavoidable conclusion:
Things take longer than you expected.
As a result, you cannot manage time.
It manages you.
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