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Please Give Sufficient Time

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I remember in the not too distant future when people used to be given enough time to get ready for things. That seems to have disappeared in our age of instant gratification. Today our lives of instant gratification seem to demand that things be done at the last minute. People expect us to do everything Now.

Even the announcement about the change to daylight savings time is made at the last minute.

We used to get wedding invitations four to six weeks in advance. Now we get them a week to ten days in advance. I know of a person who was invited to a wedding two hours in advance. I know of another couple that planned their wedding four days in advance. Okay, I don't think that the wedding plans should take a very long time. I remember the days when people used to wait up to a year, maybe even more, before getting married. That's of course the other extreme. But four days? From the decision to get married until standing under the chuppah?

People get called to meetings and appointments with such short notice that they may not have time to take a shower.

The information for those one-day sales used to arrive on the Sunday before so that I could prepare for the sale later on in the week. No more. Now the information arrives on that day. Sometimes if we're lucky the day before. The sales offered on the Internet tell me that there are just three hours left, especially for the Internet auctions which might tell me that there are only 53 minutes left for the item that I want. I can't even decide what to have for dessert that quickly.

It seems that as Man lives longer the time that he has at his disposal to make decisions and to make his arrangements gets shorter and shorter.

Perhaps Man doesn't really live longer. It's just that with all of these major decisions to be made in such a short time it only seems that way.

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