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There's another type of waiting, a waiting in which you aren't doing the waiting but you are causing other people to wait for you.
After reading this website you will feel much less resentment towards people who cause you to wait.
However, it's important to realize that there are many others who have not yet read this website and they don't understand the importance of waiting. You also have to be considerate of them and of their needs.
If you have arranged to meet with somebody and that person is going to be waiting on a street corner for you, it behooves you to be there early. Don't make that person wait. We're now dealing with an individual level, not with a general level. If you would be late to a class, for example, then you would decide how to deal with the fact that you missed a certain amount of material. That's your problem and it does not affect other people.
However, when you have to meet an individual then that does affect that person and it is proper to avoid making that person wait for you. You might have to pick that person up to drive them some place then the same situation applies. Don't make them wait.
There are many times in which people don't want to get to certain places on time. Perhaps the most notorious is the shul, the synagogue. Ten men are required in order to conduct the complete service in the synagogue. There are many people who come late. Their reasoning is as follows: In that synagogue they never start on time anyhow and their time is valuable so there's no reason to get there early and just wait while others come. This is a false way of thinking, a bad way of thinking. It's wrong to make the others wait for you.
But there's more to it in the synagogue. The synagogue shouldn't be a place in which you dash in, say what you have to, and dash out. Perhaps you also dash out before even finishing Aleinu or certainly taking off your tallit before completing Aleinu in order to get to your next appointment.
I wonder how G-d feels looking down at your prayer when you are giving a clear message that look you did G-d a big favor you showed up for as long as you could but now you have far more important things that have to be handled very very quickly so sorry G-d but I gotta dash off now. See ya later.
A similar thing happens in a classroom when some students pack up before the class is finished, as there's another ten minutes left to the class but they show that they have more important things to do and to listen to the teacher. It leaves a bad impression when you show that you can't wait. You don't have the patience to wait for others. Thus, we have a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is proper to wait for others. On the other hand, you should not make people wait for you. Say it is not fair. Perhaps. We're not dealing with an issue of fairness here. But waiting is an important element in a person's behavior.
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Keywords: Consolation, Counseling, Patience, Prayers, Psychology
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