3000 people were asked, The entire Israelite nation had to wait for Miriam before they moved in the desert. This was because Miriam was a great person and she earned this respect from the people. When Moshe, Moses, was cast into the river she waited for him. This gave her the right to expect to be repaid for this good deed that she did and she was repaid by millions of people in the desert.
Clearly there is great merit in waiting for people.
Note to myself: Add this to the other article about the beauty of waiting.
There is a major advantage to waiting. It is a meritorious act which brings great credit to many people. Miriam had the right to expect the Israelites to wait for her in the desert because she waited for Moses when he was thrown into the river. In other words, she waited so others waited for her and she earned the right to have others wait for her. This was a great act on her part and she was rewarded for it. This is a lesson for future generations to show the great merit in waiting for other people.
"What Have You To Live For?"
94% were enduring the present
while they waited for the future…
waited for something to happen…
waited for the children to grow up and leave home…
waited for next year…
waited for retirement…
waited for a better time…
waited for someone to die…
waited for tomorrow,
unable to see that all anyone has is today—
this day—
because yesterday is gone
and tomorrow exists only in hope
J.M. Drescher
quoting Psychologist William Marston
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