Psychology Articles
It washes off


Let them get away with it.

It is usually not worth getting your way about something or winning an argument. Sometimes it's better to let the other guy win. You may expend a great deal amount of effort into trying to win a fight. At the end, you may indeed win. However, if you lose, then you lost big. It wasn't worth it. You spent too much effort on the chance for a minimal gain.

On the other hand, if you just let the other guy win, then an interesting factor comes into play.


That's right - as time passes, the other guy often disappears.

Let's take an example of an ornery neighbor. You nearly had a fight, but then you decided to let the neighbor win.

After a while the neighbor might move away. Time has helped you win the fight. You are still there, and you have what you want.

Is there a guarantee that the neighbor will move away? Of course not. Other things can happen too. However, time and good fortune are on your side.

Did you have a disagreement with a family member? Let them win.

As time goes on the issue may be forgotten. The relative may or may not apologize, but that does not matter. You haven't put yourself in the position of losing nearly as much as if you had fought. Keep in mind that if you had fought, you may have lost.

Does somebody owes you money? It may not be worth getting a lawyer and fighting for the principle. Let the other guy win, especially if the amount of money is small enough that you can live without it.

If you consider the anguish involved in a fight, as well as the lawyer and court fees and the other costs, then you may realize that your real potential gain is small or you may only stand to break even. Don't forget to factor in your valuable time. In such a case, then it really wasn't worth it. Let them get their way. In the short run, you will be considered a loser, but ignore that as well. In the bigger picture you're a winner.

Does this mean that you are allowing others to walk all over you? No, it just means that you can now devote yourself to more important things.

It also means that you recognize the fact that when you respond to every offense, then others are indeed walking all over you. They are controlling how you run your life. By refusing to respond, you are taking control over your own life. You are deciding how to spend your time, money, and effort - and not them.

Let them win.

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