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welcome garphic

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for stopping by my web home today, I do hope you find your visit enjoyable.  This is a personal web page which I created in August 16, 1999.  It has grown a lot over the years, but basically it was created to display some of my porcelain doll collection.  The three doll images above are a part of my doll collection.  I don't have as many dolls in my collection as some of the sites I have viewed on the Internet, but the dolls I do have are, in my opinion, very pretty.  

Over the years I have added pages about my life, my family, various health aliments, pages on the many pets that have been a part of my life, and cake decorating information as well as pictures of some of the cakes I have made when I decorated professionally.  I have also included some things just to make your visit here a pleasant one, such as a simple game room and a music room to listen to a variety of midis, as well as travel pictures, applets, poems, and stories.  

Since this site has been on the Internet for so many years and it encompasses approximately 70 pages, I cannot guarantee that all the links work.  Sometimes pages I have linked to other sites are removed and unfortunately I do not have the time to go through each page and check the various links.  In the future I plan to move my site to my own domain but I will continue to leave this site on Yahoo as long as Yahoo allows.  

All the graphics on this site are made by me using tubes I have acquired on the Internet and by making the graphics myself using Paint Shop Pro.  I would appreciate it if you do not take or borrow any of the graphics on these pages.  I do not claim to be a graphic artist but I have spent many hours making the graphics and designing each page on this site.

Throughout the years I have had the pleasure of being able to be join many on line groups and committees and below you will find many of the groups I am involved with.  Also I have had the pleasure of receiving recognition for my site from various groups and organizations and below you will find some of those recognition awards. 

Above all I do hope you enjoy your visit here today and please stop by again when you're in the neighborhood.

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Joann Romans.

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David and Angela Salem's Memorial Breast Cancer Awareness Porcelain Dolls Christmas 1 Game Room
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Jerry's Family Winners The Fall-Child Abuse Diplomas Christmas 3 Jesus A Cry Was Heard
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My Grandchildren Webbings Carpal Tunnel Garden House Fourth of July Thoughts to live by
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Copyright © 1999, through  2006 Joann Romans

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006 at 4:06:55 AM