Count Since Dec. 1995 |
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This page was created on Dec. 1995 as a Top Ten list, since then it has evolved into the page you see today, enjoy! Please Bookmark and visit often. Pam Middleton-Lee
The BEST, perfect for the beginner. A Must for the Pro. The ultimate page for Genealogy. Help, Guides, Libraries, Software,Maps and Geography, Genealogy Homepages. WHAT'S NEW WITH THE GENEALOGY HOME PAGE
Current updated information on the Genealogy Home Page, all the newest links added and when. WHATS "REALLY" NEW WITH THE GENEALOGY HOME PAGE
new links waiting for inclusion on the What's New Page, latest entries to date. Stephen A. Wood, Webmaster.
NGS is a national membership organization with more than 14,000 members nationwide. Charts, forms, aids, special reference materials.Webmaster: Mike St. Clair.
Read interviews with noted genealogists, find out about local and national genealogical organizations and societies. search the incredible FamilyFinder Index online, free! This gigantic directory lists 115 million names from centuries of Census and Marriage indexes, Birth records, actual family trees, and other resources.
(MOA) is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. The collection contains approximately 1,600 books and 50,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints. The project represents a major collaborative endeavor in preservation and electronic access to historical texts.
The Making of American collection is made up of images of the pages in the books and journals. When you find something you want to look at, you will see a scanned image of the actual pages of the 19th century volume. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) has been performed on the images to enhance searching and accessing the texts, but because we are concerned about the reliability of the OCR, we have chosen to present the page images -- for more on the OCR process see About MOA. A small, but growing, group of texts has also been fully processed and can be viewed either as page images or electronic text.
Making of America is made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Constantly updated & the links are categorized & cross-referenced, in over 45 different categories. For the United States there are individual pages for each state which include links to: County Maps, County Courthouse Addresses, Lists of Counties, Lists of LDS Family History Centers, LDS Research Outlines, Other Web Sites with Genealogical Resources, Funeral Homes, Vital Records Information, Societies and Groups, Mailing Lists, GenWeb Project pages and much more! SUPER! Cyndi has put a lot of work into making this site user friendly. Perfect for the beginning Genealogy internet surfer & a must for the pro.
From Cliff Manis: This Genealogical Server System may be your key to finding important genealogical info & a tremendous aid to your family research. They have over 10.7 MILLION surnames in 7,800+ different GEDCOM databases. A GEDCOM database is required for access to this fine system. Visit this URL for more informaton. GenServ has been On-Line since 1991. Over 325,000 different surnames available. Do your family research at home when using GenServ. See and read the GenServ Disclaimer page. All reports and searches are available via web access for subscribers who support this system. 300+ new GEDCOM files are added each month.
More than 180 notable guests have participated on the program from all across the United States and some from abroad. Librarians, state archivists, college professors, authors, columnists, computer experts, professional and amateur genealogists, lineage and genealogical society representatives, family association officers, newsletter and quarterly editors, research specialists, noted historians, and others have been featured. The idea is still young and growing. Originator and host Michael Matthews of Dallas Texas has made sure the program helps answer research questions on an unlimited array of topics including: many regions of the world and the United States; many of the US states and all the original colonies; most ethnic and religious groups; and most every other genealogical topic including the origin of mankind and the Universe. Michael doesn't claim to know everything but welcomes friends who know a lot about something ! He's an advertising photographer and family history enthusiast who accidentally created a radio program.
A Forum for FAMILY HISTORY Enthusiasts on the Texas State Network ! Join the Fun & Call the Show ! It's LIVE and INTERACTIVE ! Join Tollfree From Anywhere in America ! Although you may be beyond the broadcast range, you are welcome to join by calling any Sunday evening during the show. You will hear the program while you're waiting on the telephone (usually about 10 to 20 minutes). You can check the schedule for guests & main topics, but they always welcome any questions or comments about family history research. Best time to call: Just after 10:00pm (CST) during the introductions. 10:00 pm to Midnight Sunday Evenings. 1 (800) 765-1080 Toll Free! Host, Michael Matthews. Access with Real Audio on KPRC SuperTalk Radio: Houston Download RealAudio for access to the show.
is an independent, non-profit organization chartered in the state of Texas to educate genealogists in the use of technology for gathering, storing, sharing and evaluating their research. GENTECH's volunteers are all genealogists; most are active in genealogical and historical societies.
President of GENTECH's Board of Directors. John Vincent Wylie - Lt. Col. (Ret.); specialty is teaching computer skills to genealogists and genealogical skills to computer users; on the NGS's Standards Committee and the Dallas Gen. Soc. Records Preservation Committee; a GENTECH founder; currently President of its Board of Directors; Publicity Chair for GENTECH97 and member of the Lexicon Data Model Working Group; has presented programs and workshops in 17 states and is a member of the Speaker's Guild; member of APG; his articles have been published by Genealogical Computing, The National Genealogical Society Quarterly and numerous other genealogical publications.
There is a wealth of genealogy resources on the Internet that can be accessed through Mailing Lists, USENET Newsgroups, anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Gopher, World Wide Web, Telnet, and E-Mail. This document is an inventory of these resources based on personal investigation and the consolidation of information received from others too numerous to mention . This document only lists sources and does not provide the detailed "how-to" associated with travels along the Information Highway (a future project?). Webmasters, Christine Gaunt and John Fuller
From: Matthew Helm. Version 3.0 of the Genealogy Toolbox WWW site. This version has a new look and some structural changes especially in the surname area. All surname data is now listed alphabetically instead of being divided up into different classifications of resources. The format for the Surname Query list has been changed to make it easier to browse. A new Surname Query Archives has been added. A Genealogy Site Submission page has been added to allow individuals to submit their new site to several major genealogy indexes. A new group of Searchable Index pages have been added to allow users to directly search other genealogy searchable collections without having to go to each individual site. The Genealogy Toolbox local search engine has been more tightly integrated with the pages and there are now separate search indexes for Indexed Surnames and Queries.
A New Online Research Resource from the National Archives and Records Administration Washington, D.C. . . .The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) announces a new pilot online service, NAIL, funded through the support of Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, is an ONLINE, INTERACTIVE DATABASE AVAILABLE VIA THE WWW. It provides unprecedented access to NARA's vast holdings; users with access to the Internet can now search many descriptions of NARA's holdings online for key words or topics, and then can retrieve digital copies of textual documents, photographs, maps and sound recordings. Hypertext links connect series descriptions
NAIL was developed in response to a customer survey undertaken in Nebraska in 1994. The study concluded that citizens want information about NARA's holdings and services ONLINE, and wish to be able to access digital copies of selected documents online immediately.
The study also pointed out the need for NARA to present agency-wide information to the public in an integrated manner. The NARA WEB SITE and NAIL are the first steps in developing a nationwide information system for our Federal and Presidential holdings. Such initiatives are an integral part of NARA's newly-developed strategic plan and will revolutionize the way the NARA serves its customers.
although NAIL contains more than 200,000 descriptions, it represents only a limited portion of NARA's vast holdings. IN A DEMOCRACY THE RECORDS THAT CONSTITUE OUR ARCHIVES BELONG TO THE CITIZENS. This initiative is an important first step to bringing the National Archives to citizens no matter where they are.
What is BUBL? The BUBL Information Service is a networked information service operating on the Internet. It provides the UK higher education community with value-added access to Internet resources and services. What is BUBL an acronym for? BUBL stands for BUlletin Board for Libraries. Where is BUBL located? BUBL is located and run from the Andersonian library of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. How did BUBL begin? The BUBL Information Service originated in 1990 as the BUlletin Board for Libraries, an experimental service created as part of Project Jupiter, a project based at Glasgow University which aimed to train librarians in the use of JANET, the Joint Academic NETwork. When Project Jupiter funding ended in May 1991 BUBL was taken over by a group of librarians from the Universities of Strathclyde and Glasgow who saved it from extinction by their voluntary efforts. Who is BUBL aimed at? When BUBL was first established, the specific aim of the service was to function as a bulletin board on JANET for the academic library community. However, it soon became apparent that much of the information being made available on BUBL was not only of direct interest to, but was actually being used by the wider academic community; non-librarians. Consequently, BUBL has broadened its approach and whilst a specialist service is still provided to the UK's library and information science community, the service has for some time been aimed towards the UK higher education academic and research community more generally.
Private Investigator resource page on the Internet: CIS's Home Page, Alpha List of Investigators, Regional List of Investigators. Other Links:CIS's INVESTIGATIVE RESOURCES Page, CIS's 150+ Searchable Databases, CIS's Alphabetical Listing of Private Investigators, CIS's Geographical Listing of Private Investigators, Investigative Resources, Sherlock, US Legal Code, Project Find, Polly Klaas Foundation, Child Quest, Big Eye Page, Internet Sleuth, Spy Tech, DocuSearch, InterNIC, PI Home Page, US Navy Clock, Law Enforcement Sites, FBI Link, Mountain Info-Tech, Lincoln Mark VIII, Phone Book Gopher, Travel Time, ESP Mailbox Search, Detective's Springboard, RHINO, UK Legal, Purdue Reference, 50 States Legal Code, FOI Resources, Census Bureau, Indiana Sex Offenders, Newspapers, Kim Spy Link, Hunter Gatherers, Interactive Information Resource, & to much more to list!
The DefenseLINK registry can help you identify public Department of Defense information sources. A quick way to find the exact information you want is to search the Government Information Locator Service (GILS) records, which include abstracts (short descriptions) of registered military information sources. Within GILS, you will find information on web sites, web publications, Freedom Of Information Act Processed (a)(2) Records under the Electronic FOIA Act, and DoDLibrary sources.
Family Chronicle is a magazine, specially written for family researchers by people who share their interest in GENEALOGY AND FAMILY HISTORY. The premiere issue was Aug 9, 1996
Family Chronicle (Genealogy Magazine) - Top Ten Genealogy Websites Nominees VOTE YOUR FAVORITES HERE Family Chronicle is surveying experienced websurfers to determine which of the web's 1,300+ genealogy sites are not to be missed. We're particularly interested in discovering "hidden gems" -- little-known sites with a lot to offer.
National Historical Society (NHS). The NHS is a membership organization dedicated to providing history enthusiasts widespread and easy access to non-partisan history-related information, products and services, as well as support and funding of institutional and organizational efforts to preserve our heritage. This index contains all 216 articles currently found on TheHistoryNet. Each feature article is indexed alphabetically according to its magazine of origin. To conduct a keyword search of THN articles, go to our Article Search page.
Information on England, Ireland (i.e. Northern Ireland & the Republic of Ireland, Wales, & Scotland, together with the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. This constitues the British Isles . The page is divided into links: REGIONS: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Isle of Man. There is Information related to ALL the British Isles from Archives/Census to Taxation. Information on Archives & Libraries, Chruch Records, Emigration & Immigration, Gazetteers, Genealogy, History, Land & Property, Maps, Merchant Marines, Military Records, Periodicals, etc.
The University of California at Riverside History Department is developing H-GIG as the core of an experiment in using the internet for instruction and research. The Department also hopes that H-GIG will serve the world community professionally and personally interested in history. During the academic year, H-GIG receives 4,000 to 9,000 internet requests a day from North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Japan. You are invited to meet this large world community through the internet setting provided by H-GIG. We hope H-GIG will provide a spirited conversation between the academic and nonacademic communities on historical issues of mutual concern. We are interested in your suggestions for new online services.
The first name appears on each page of the index. Browse down the chart to find the name you want. Then click on the page # to go to the page. The Genealogist's Index to the World Wide Web is maintained by Eastern Digital Resources, Your Genealogy Super Store. They feature "Puzzle Pieces" surname folders on more than 2,000 different Surnames.
Gene Stark's Index of Names for all Gen Web Sites (GENDEX). This server indexes hundreds of World Wide Web databases containing genealogical data for over one million individuals, and gives you the ability to locate and view data of interest to you on any of these databases, without having to go and visit each of the databases separately. Features: * Access the index. * How to submit your data to this index. * How to contact the contributor of a particular piece of information you find in the index. * What to do if you don't like something you see in the index. Eugene Stark, Webmaster. GED2HTML: A GEDCOM to HTML Translator, Eugene W. Stark
Here's a site you'll want to "bookmark" or add to your "favorite places" list so you can return regularly. The Journal of Online Genealogy (JOG) had its debut in July 1996, and features nationally known contributors including Brian Mavrogeorge, Mike St. Clair, and John Wylie. JOG's stated mission is "to aid the genealogy community in promoting and developing online projects, technologies, and methods of research." It is anticipated that the Journal will focus ongoing attention on the best of genealogy on the Internet. Each issue will contain regular columns, such as Advanced Projects, Beginner Avenues, GENTECH Column, International Efforts, New Online Sites, Society News, and Software Trends. Publisher, Matthew L. Helm; Editor-in-Chief, April Leigh Helm
Getting Started, Catalog of Products & Services, Archives & Libraries, Resources, Online Publication, Global Research, Software Archives, Online BBS, Genealogy on the Internet & much more. Links to: National Archives, Library of Congress, Personal Pages, Valuable Resources, U.S. Resources, Foreign Resources. WWW ON-LINE SEARCH - access online search & try one of the searches "ROOTS" Cellar and a sample of GEDSRCH (linked Database). Available databases are SS Death Benefits Index, Roots Cellar-Computerized Family File, Pedigree Library, English 1851 partial census, US 1880 partial census, Canadian 1871 Ontario Census. Genealogy magazine on-line. A service provided by "EVERTON'S GENEALOGICAL HELPER".
Hundreds of links within the following sections: Genealogy relating to Janyce's family. Genealogy relating to everyone, help for Newbies & "Old Timers" too. Genealogical Tools, General Reference, Regional Genealogy...USA & non-USA. Specific Heritage sources, Civil War History of USA, Misc. items of interest, PAF & Gedcom Info, Organizations and genealogy Newsgroups...Hot Linked. Free stuff from businesses, People searching & adoption, genealogy Newsletters, Web Census Listings.
Including a link to the Irish Govenment Home pages.General information -including how to get to and use the National Archives, Family history and genealogy (As Gaeilge) , Women's history , Government Papers , Archives of the Ordinance Survey of Ireland, Business Records Survey, Transportation from Ireland to Australia, The Great Famine, Other Archives around the world. Hosted and maintained by the Dublin Institute of Technology.
Family History Resources in Public Libraries in Britain & Ireland. A project being developed by EARL (Electronic Access to Resources in Libraries). There are links to pages for most of the libraries in the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man with lists of their holdings related to GENEALOGY. England (London), Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Republic of Ireland. LIBRARIES INDEX: GUIDES: Public libraries hold many sources relating to family history. The purpose of these pages is to publicize the collections and to explain to you, the researcher, how to use them effectively. Also included are MAPS & LINKS. Familia is a project developed by EARL: the Consortium for Public Library Networking
From the Brazos Genealogy Society, Brazos Co. Texas.
You'll find: Information on Mennonites, Huguenots & Walloons, Palatines, Dutch in New York, Mohawk Nation, Loyalists in Ontario Settlers to Colonial America Ship's Passenger Lists for the 1600s, Palatine Ships' Passenger Lists for the 1700s, Lists of books, resources, addresses and societies for searching Palatines, Mohawk culture, Dutch, Huguenots, Loyalists. Webmaster, Lorine Schulze
The most comprehensive site for Civil War info I have ever seen on the Internet from Dakota State University. Spotlight , Gateways, Archives & Libraries, The Armies, Art , Artillery , Battles, Battlefields, and Historic Sites, Bibliographies, Bugle Calls, Cities and Regions, College Courses, Colored Troops, Commercial Resources, The Confederacy, Diaries, Letters, and Memoirs- Fiction, GENEALOGY, Generals, Gettysburg, History, Lincoln, Magazines, Maps, Medicine, Money and Stamps, Museums, Music, The Navies, Organizations, People, Photographs and Images, Poetry, Re-enactors, Regimental Histories, Small Arms, States in the Civil War, Sutler's Store, Uniforms, Women in the Civil War, Miscellaneous.
In the near future, RootsWeb will be adding:
Dr. Brian Leverich, Co-moderator, soc.genealogy.methods/GENMTD-L RootsWeb Genealogical Data Cooperative
Information about Roots-L, files, databases, messages, archives. All about the ROOTS-L MAILING LIST.
Index-genealogy index, Ancestry Search offers the best research tools on the internet, from databases to books to expert advice.1. Social Security Death Index (SSDI) - The Death Master File (3Q95 version) from the Social Security Administration. Over 51 million searchable records. 2. American Marriage Records - The largest collection of searchable marriage records on the internet. 3. Geographic Reference Library - Over 1 million current places and 30,000+ places in 1854, each entry providing state, county, and additional information for virtually every place in the United States. 4. Early American Immigration Library Books that document the arrival of thousands of immigrants to America's shores before the Civil War. 5. American Biographical Library™ A growing collection of biographical sketches of Americans, living before 1920, fully searchable by every name and word. 6. Chronology of American History - More than 5,000 events in American History that illustrate the times in which our American ancestors lived. 7. GENNAM-L Mailing List Archive Surname searching list General Genealogy discussion list.
Genealogy Listservers, Newsgroups & Special Homepages. All you need to know about what's available, right here at Vicki's.
This page is dedicated to those researchers on the net who have placed their GEDCOM data on the web to be viewed by other genealogists. Most have used GED2HTML to create HTML pages they have added to their web site. The purpose of this page is to compile in one area all known Gedcom "Indexed" links on the web. If you know of someone who has such a site, please contact them and tell them to come on over and add their links! If you have not yet added your Home Page and you have your Gedcom data Indexed on your site, please send email or sign the guestbook while visiting here.
Follow the links to order a computer print, file, or hand painted version of any coat of arms you would like!! *Free* advice and coat of arms information including verification of other arms. View theproducts and prices. View the samples or order online!!! Why not submit your name and e-mail address for a FREE description of an arms granted to any surname of your choice!! Do I have a coat of arms? Your rights to own a coat of arms. A medieval knight and his costume. A picture and some information on a typical knight. The Wallace Collection. Visit the site of the magnificent Wallace Collection Museum, including London's largest arms and armour display
iTools! brings together all the best the internet has to offer. Find-It! lets you find *ANYTHING* on the internet, let Research-It! be your own reference desk and promote your web site and increase traffic with Promote-It!
NOTE* Not to be missed at this site is the Language translator, a must see.
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This site has Text & Graphical Page options. Virtual Facts on File: ENCYCLOPEDIAS/ DICTIONARIES / LANGUAGES: THESAURI AND QUOTATIONS/ LIBRARIES ON THE NET/ INTERNET RESOURCES/ ELECTRONIC TEXTS / GENEALOGY RESOURCES/ GOVERNMENT/ RESOURCES: LAW - LEGAL RESOURCES ATLAS - GEOGRAPHY SCIENCE RESOURCES/ HISTORY RESOURCES/ PHONE BOOK / AREA CODES/ POSTAL RESOURCES/ TIME / DATE POPULATION / DEMOGRAPHICS: WORLD RELIGIONS- WORLD WIDE WEB- VIRTUAL LIBRARY: MISCELLANEOUS MY VIRTUAL REFERENCE DESK- MVRD is designed to be a one-stop reference guide to all things Internet. A project of this scope and magnitude requires continuous updating and refinement. Your feedback is essential. Please be sure to explore Virtual Facts on File and the Virtual Encyclopedia. For late breaking world wide news, read My Virtual Newspaper. New features, upgrades and links: What's New and New Sites Added during the week. Find anything on the Net with My Search Engines. Total MVRD Links =7131 as of 9/96. Webmaster Bob Drudge. NOTE* The reviews on this page are "not to be missed" ....Pam
A volunteer-operated information resource for the adoption community. Introduction, FAQs, Publications, Agencies, Exchanges and Photo Listings, Birthparents, Adoptees, Parents International , Legal Resources , Quick Stats, Organizations, Additional Sources, Events , Social Sciences, Other Sites
Contains links to all known genealogical databases available on the Web. Sorted by the name of the database. Tim Doyle, Webmaster
We handle restoration of images from tin-types to color snapshots and birth certificates to wills. What we can do to a photo is only limited by your imagination. This service is mainly for restoration of old photos or documents for genealogist and historians. See the examples below on the site to get an idea of what is possible.
Great Example of Removing Cracks Restore Old Baptismals to their Original Beauty. Make Dime Sized Locket Pictures Beautiful Again. Faded Families Brought Back to Life. Remove Unwanted Individuals.
consists of volunteers who are willing to help others with specific items at institutions near them, or help with other information easily accessible to them.
Find people, white pages, fax, email, yellow pages, directory, directories, yellow page, business, reference, telephone, telephone numbers, phone numbers, phone, telephone company, companies names, addresses, street, zip code, techno, rave, information, retail, shopping, manufacturers. MapQuest! Interactive Atlas - Brings you right to the Street Address! The phone dialer will let you dial phone numbers by simply putting your touch-tone telephone handset in front of your computer's multimedia speakers when the number is being played. Find People - using all the telephone directories in the United States and Canada. Toll Free numbers can be found by name & geographic location. Find Business or Government in the United States and Canada. Blue Pages is a category-based directory of city, state, and federal government listings. Yellow Pages allow you to search by category and topic in the United States and Canada. Fax Directory is the largest single source of fax numbers available. United States and Canada.
An up-to-the-minute Web Site for PEOPLE SEEKING PEOPLE. Link To Your Topic Of Interest: Generally Seeking - Relatively Seeking - Militarily Seeking - Seeking Beneficiaries - Seeking Answers - Place your own add.
The Solution at Last! Finally, ONE place to find your missing relatives and friends, instead of surfing all over the Internet! Get reunited with your classmates and military pals fast with this new magazine. We'll even help you find your birth parents! We may even tell you that you have money coming to you that you never knew about! Begin your search immediately and even find out if someone is looking for you!
The non-profit organization was founded in 1982 to raise funds "for the restoration and preservation of the Statue of Liberty andEllis Island." At the site you can read about the results of this effort, which include the island's Immigration Museum, the AmericanImmigrant Wall of Honor, and the very cool HISTORY CENTER, WHICH, WHEN COMPLETED, WILL SERVE AS A RESOURCE FOR RESEARCHING FAMILY IMMIGRATION HISTORY. The Center will include an ELECTRONIC DATABASE of "the historic data on the 20 million immigrants who arrived through New York Harbor and Ellis Island between 1892 - 1924."
History, electronic texts, genealogy, european and world history, art history, military history.
American History Documents and Archives Latin American History Documents Canadian History Documents East Asian and Australian History Documents British and Irish History Documents and Web Sites Canadian History Documents East Asian and Australian History Documents British and Irish History Documents and Web Sites Canadian History Documents East Asian and Australian History Documents British and Irish History Documents and Web Sites Cold War, Soviet and Related History Documents Eastern European History Documents and Web Sites Near Eastern and Levantine History Documents German History Web Sites French History Web Sites Iberian and Italian History Web Sites Ancient Mediterranean History Web Sites African History Documents and Web Sites Military History Documents and Web Sites Natural and Scientific History Documents and Web Sites Art History Web Sites Genealogy Sites Religious Texts and Archives Libraries Associations of General Interest Historical Journals Online History BibliographiesPlaces on the World Wide Web for Historians at California State University San Marcos compiled by: Ben Henick ( CSUSM . And thanks to Joan Gundersen of CSUSM, who is responsible for evaluating the content that is suggested for links to the CSUSM history hotlist. For permission for this link.
NEW SUBJECT CATAGORY: PHONEBOOKS ON THE NET: LINKS BY SUBJECT. People Finder Searches, Other Investigative Databases, Government Investigative Databases, Newsgroup And Mailing List Searches, Search Engines, Investigtive Associations, Other PI Information, Privacy Subjects, Just For Fun, Free Software. WANT BETTER INVESTIGATIVE SOURCES? CHECK OUT THE TOP SOURCES OF INFORMATION MENU.
Searchable databases on the net that locate people's physical address, e-mail address, phone and fax number. THESE PAGES HAVE WON THE BEST OF THE INTERNET AWARD!
Now linked to more than 400 dictionaries of over 130 different languages Webs and reference books have a long and happy history together. This website
indexes on-line dictionaries, thesauri, and such like containing words and phrases. Preference in selection has been given to free online dictionaries of high quality. However, downloadable and subscription material are listed if exceptionally rare and/or unusually well-executed. A few inceptive word lists of languages otherwise not represented have also been included, as encouragement to continued development
and much, much more. ...we are all Pioneers...Pathfinders on the Trails of Old and New Frontiers... A PRESENTATION of the History and Development of the American West, from the Frontier and Pioneer days of the Wild West, to today's Modern West. Featuring: Westward Expansion, Western Trails, America's Freedom Documents, Cowboys, Indians, Native Americans,
Pioneers, Trappers, Scouts, Gunslingers (the whole dang shootin' match is heah, bucco!),
Outlaws, Gunbattles, Ghost Towns, Gold & Silver Mining, Saloons, Dodge City,Tombstone, O.K. Corral, Virginia City, Doc Holliday, Kit Carson, Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickock, Davy Crocket, Daniel Boone, Billy the Kid, Jesse James, Buffalo Bill, Sitting
Bull, Roy Rogers, Western Theme Parks, Western Museums, Western Exhibitions, Western Art & Artifacts, the Prairie, Buffalo, Horses, Rodeos, Guest Ranches, Wildlife
Tours, Stage Coaches, The Frontier Railroads, River Steam Boats, and anything of interest or of significance west of the Mississippi River. Many facts, stories and pictures.
Genealogy, genealogy and more genealogy. How to's, where to's and what with's of genealogy. This site contains only the finer genealogy resources with which to look up that ancestral tree & tons of CIVIL WAR LINKS. Webmaster, John Lacombe
IIGS was started On May 16, 1997. Dr. Brian Leverich
(of ROOTSWEB fame) issued the statement that resulted in the formation of the "International
Internet Genealogical Society." The main focus of IIGS is: To assist in the creation and maintenance of
genealogical resources on the Internet; to represent the interests of
genealogists using the Internet; to promote the development of standards,protocols, and software, and to provide a common social organization for
genealogists using the Internet, regardless of their specific interests.
Membership in IIGS is free, with the goal of enrolling virtually all
100,000+ Internet genealogists as members. Current benefits of membership include the
monthly newsletter,and classes through the IIGS university, all available on-line.
More information on membership and volunteering can be found at the
IIGS web-site Come check us out. Or if you would like to volunteer for any of our teams please email me for information!
Pam Middleton-Lee PR co-team leader
The SOURCE for Canadian Genealogy! The Canadian-American Genealogical Digest - An off-line, bi-monthly, 30 page newsletter with "where-is" and "how-to" articles and
tips on locating Canadian and American genealogy source material. Special Offer To New Subscribers - Includes a one year subscription to the Digest, a bonus issue (July/August, 1996), a booklet entitled "Best Ten Tips On How To Find Your Canadian Ancestor", and an ancestral chart suitable for framing. Limited time offer. Genealogy Canada News - FREE on-line, bi-weekly news stories about Canadian genealogy right here! Newest feature is now posted, with a link to past articles! Got a Canadian genealogy news story you would like to see here?
Then e-mail the editor with your suggestion. Visit the GCNO! Archives. Genealogy Canada Marketplace - A potpourri of genealogical services and books for sale, with more products coming soon! Nova Scotia Loyalist Page - Lists of Americans who supported
the British Crown during the American Revolution and fled to Nova Scotia.
Genealogy Canada Guest Book - FREE - view and/or leave a query about your Canadian ancestor on our Guest Book.
Come in and browse around. This site contains original copyrighted images created by CS Designs. They may not be changed in any way. You are welcome to use any of the graphics on the FREE PAGES for your personal non-profit Web Pages, however they may not be used on commercial sites or included in any image collections for distribution either online or any other electronic media. The images on this site are not public domain. Free means only that you are not being charged any fee for their use. CS Designs retains the original copyright and all other rights to all images on this site created by the artist Chris Stern. By downloading these images, it means that you have agreed to this stipulation.
Welcome to what we believe is the best genealogy resource on the World Wide Web. Roots Computing has extensive information here about how to research your family tree. In addition, we have links to hundreds of other genealogy-related sites on the Web. This is also the home of EASTMAN'S
ONLINE GENEALOGY NEWLETTER, the leading weekly publication in genealogy. The information here is updated every few days. You will find that this site is the "focal point" of all the genealogy resources on the
World Wide Web.
Roots Computing is affiliated with the Genealogy Forum on CompuServe® and also
the Genealogy Forum on WOW!®
If you can't keep up with the escalating world of computers and genealogy, Online Pioneers newsletter is for you. A newsletter geared to new and experienced users alike, filled with informative, timely articles, Online Pioneers is a one-of-a-kind publication covering both the online and offline computer genealogy community.
Let us keep track of the many new genealogy web sites, and tell you which ones may be of interest to you in our web site reviews.
Interested in files? We will point out where the latest Internet shareware genealogy programs and genealogical data files can be found. And, of course, no genealogy publication would be complete without queries. Queries are printed free of charge, whether or not you are a subscriber. You may submit as many as you like, although they are printed on a space-available basis. You may also submit a URL for review, or enter a comment in our guestbook. Subscribers may now receive the New://Web.Sites URLs via e-mail for ease of surfing.
Submit your question or view the answers from one of the
most popular sites on the Web for Genealogy! New Jerusalem has over 65,000 hits/week, over 5,350 unique visitors every week! over 765/day!
The New Jerusalem assumes no liability for the accuracy of the answers given at this site. All
answers given are copyright © 1995, 1996 by New Jerusalem, and submissions become the
property of New Jerusalem.
Format used at site for your question:
Welcome to The Learning Network at Spectrum Virtual University "Virtual learning" is the bridge to the 21st century. Thanks to
the Internet, the world is truly as close as your keyboard and
information on practically any subject is only a keystroke away.
Knowledge can be beamed to distant corners of the earth instantly,
allowing people of all ages and from all cultures and walks of
life to explore their world together and build a brighter future.
We have been hosting online classes for nearly two decades. More
than 500,000 people from 128 countries have attended our classes.
We're proud that we have been able to extend a helping hand to so
many, and we have formed countless friendships along the way. But
as a folk music legend sang in the 1960's, "The times, they are a
changin," and that is our theme as we look to the future.
Many of the recent changes we've made will be welcomed by those
who have struggled with lost e-mail and other problems brought on
by the phenomenal growth of the Internet. In some ways, we are
closing the door on an era that alumni will recall with nostalgia;
but every ending leads to a new beginning and these changes will
help us better serve a new generation of virtual students.
Whether you are joining us for the first time or you've taken VU
classes before, please read this Handbook carefully. It explains
recent changes and answers most Frequently Asked Questions.
We hope you will enjoy your online learning adventure and that in
the days ahead you will meet new friends and colleagues with whom
you can share knowledge and life experiences long after you have
departed the halls of our virtual campus!
online book catalog. They offer a keyword searchable index of over 8500 books relating to genealogy.
A must see site!
What's new on the WWW.
A Volunteer effort providing a single entry point for all states & counties in the US, where collected databases would be stored. In addition, the databases would be indexed and cross-linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index. Volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate the collection of county pages for each state page. If the state in which you are interested does not have a page and you wish to be responsible for it, please contact the above listed USA GENWEB PROJECT site. There has been an article written to explain the entire project. To make it easier for everyone there is an automated way to get the information. email to: If you would like to contribute your data or create a county page within a given state, please contact the person responsible for maintaining your state page. I am the County Coordinater for COSHOCTON CO, OHIO Pam Middleton-Lee
Internet's largest white page directory with over 3 million listings. The best way to search for someone's e-mail address or Web page. Register for Free Upgrade to expanded services. WEB PAGE SERVICES.
Lost Friends Center. The new Lost Friends Center database is now up and running. The new database allows the user to view the Lost Contact list in
alphabetical order by first and last name, and also features a limited search capacity on first, last or maiden name.
To submit an entry for the Lost Friends Center, please complete
the form. Form responses will be posted in the LFI Lost Friends Center for 100 days. Options: View all Lost Friends Center entries or
View Lost Friends Center entries by first letter, Search the database of Lost Friends by Name. If someone in the Lost Friends Center listing has been located, or if you have
information that could lead to their being found, please let them know at
Copies of Actual Wills on The Internet, Courtesy of California Estate Planning AttorneyMark J. Welsh Here are the most frequently-accessed wills in early May 1996: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Walt Disney, Elvis Presley, Doris Duke, Richard M. Nixon, Benjamin Franklin, Jerry Garcia, John Lennon. This site is a good resource for searching wills on the WWW. All the wills were found on the WWW by Mark.
Names, names, names. Last names are surnames, and most have a unique name history. What is the meaning of your name? Our free service lets you find out your family name
origin. Larry Hoefling, Webmaster. Researching: Houston/Huston/Quaite/Quate/Quait
Sponsored by the Colorado Genealogical Society , a non-profit organization.
The On-line Directory of Professional Genealogists.
Are you looking for a genealogist to help you in your research? You've come to the right place!
Family Finders is the international directory of professional genealogists who are here to help you. If there are no researchers listed for your area yet, check back in a few days. Family Finders is quickly becoming the place to locate professional researchers! Professional researchers are indexed by the geographic area where they specialize.
Webmaster: John Howell
find people, friends, colleagues, and old roommates for free. Any time, nationwide. Look up over 90 million names and get fast response to addresses, phone numbers, and personalized updates. Even send email to registered users.
the World Wide Web site of AFTER(TM), theAssociation for FamilyTree Enrollment and Registry. This site offers free family tree
software and links to key genealogy sites. The software is available on-line. You can build
your FamilyTree House in real time, no downloading is required. And your membership in
AFTER is free.
Access to the genealogy links is available to everyone; but, as a member of AFTER, you
can create and register your own on-line FamilyTree. And because it is on-line, you can
enlist the help of other family members by giving them your personal access code to allow
them to fill in the missing branches--it's a project the whole family can participate in. The FamilyTree House records the information you filled out in an on-line form about a
specific family member, and then it creates a set of wooden planks for that member; one
plank lists the individual underneath his or her parents, and the other starts a new plank that lists the individual as a parent or spouse. The first set of planks you will create is your own, once it is completed, you will be able to click on any nderlined family member name to create a separate set of planks for them. When your are done, or at anytime, you can print out the pages using your browser, cut out the individual wooden planks and use them
to build your house.
Welcome to the big page of genealogy links, new ones going in all the time. This page is broken down
by country/region;US, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Hispanic countries, Asia & Pacific countries. | US | UK | CANADA | EUROPE | HISPANIC | AUSTRALIA&NZ | ASIA | This is a new site & I love it! Webmaster, Ian Mold Are you a genealogy enthusiast or would like to learn about how to trace your own
heritage? Share your discovery experience with others or ask how you can locate more information on your family history and long lost relatives. You might just connect with some distant branch of kindred folks at FolksOnline! Go to Genealogy Discussion Forums Topic Description: Share your genealogy tips, questions, and inspirational stories here. Also be
sure to go to the genealogy message board to post your queries and read the monthly Folks Family
Tree articles or success story.
Web Tour My Favorite Genealogy Sites & Some for the Genealogically Challenged! by Rita Mackin Fox Folks Family Message Tree This is the place for you to learn a little about genealogy and the wonderful resources the Web provides for beginning your discoveries, or discovering your beginnings! We welcome you to share your amazing journeys, triumphs, trials and tips and receive a $100 thank you for your published story or how-to article. Also be sure to check out the Folks' Family Tree Message Board and the
genealogy web tour.
is proud to offer many on-line translating dictionaries! These are all free. Features: ROOTS SURNAME LIST NAME FINDER/SEARCHRoots Location List-searchable index Roots Surname List-search 50,000 names Soundex Converter-type a surname U.S. Reference Info, Medieval & Royal Genealogy, U.S. Presidents, U.S. Civil War, U.S.& Canada, Europe,
Australia/New Zealand, Jewish, Latino, Newsgroups &
Mailing Lists.
Genealogical Documents, Letters and Manuscripts/Historic
Autographs. We help family historians and genealogists locate, own and preserve authentic documents and letters pertaining to their ancestors. Helping family historians/genealogists locate, own and preserve authentic documents and letters pertaining to
their ancestors. While there are significant collections of records available to genealogists in government institutions and libraries around the country, there remain hundreds of thousands of vintage documents available for private ownership. Unfortunately most of these documents are lying forgotten and ignored due to the lack of an organized market. At FAMILY PAPERS we feel the appropriate place for these documents is with the descendants of the people entioned or signing these documents. The mission of FAMILY PAPERS is to help identify those vintage documents and reunite them with people interested in preserving their amily's history. Over the past few years we have built a significant archive of these documents which we are adding to regularly. Webmaster, Jim Hier, E-mail:
On-line Information (all searchable or semi-searchable). General, Canada, Europe & Asia, Hispanic, Jewish, USA, Other people searching resources. From Lauren Knoblauch.
Listen to THE FAMILY HISTORY SHOW on the internet, every Sunday night! Access at KTEM NewsRadio14 or KPRC 950 AM 8-10 P.M. Pacific. Host, Michael Matthews download RealAudio
No. 52 ROOTS COMPUTING-The Genealogy Home Page
Your Name:
Anonymous in public posting?
Your return Email Address:
No. 55 PAF-WAYS HOME PAGE Genealogy page with resources all over the world, GeneDex Section, GEN-WEB. Genealogical Societes, etc.
The History of Last Names
Surnames A-D
Surnames E-H
Surnames I-O
Surnames P-S
Surnames T-Z
Houston/Huston Association
Quaite Family Association
Broken Arrow Publishing Homepage
More: About your family and surname
Surnames from the Basque Country
England and Wales
New Zealand
United States
No. 70 AMAZON.COM The Earth's Biggest Book Store!
No. 71
More about ME
Page me ICQ Pager 2715598
GeoCities Cool Homestead of the Day - Nomination Address: 1637 Heartland
*ADD your SURNAMES, QUERIES, HOMEPAGE URLS to multiple sites on the internet on 1 easy submission page! Newly updated!
*LINKS to UNIQUE genealogy sites & information that I've found world wide.
*GENEALOGY GRAPHICS multiple sites for your home page needs.
Submit your Genealogy Page for my "EXCELLENCE IN GENEALOGY HOMEPAGE AWARD" HERE Please include the NAME & URL, type "Excellence" in the subject line
Visit the city I live in PALM SPRINGS & Visit me at WORK
Heartland Genealogical Society-HGS
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page was last updated on: 1/3/1998
Copyright © Pam Middleton-Lee 1995-98