Welcome Wreath

Your one stop shop for links to crafts, ecards, freebies, contests & kid stuff......have fun!!!!

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Hello!!! Glad you stopped by! Grab a chair & your needlework & I will tell you about myself, my hobbies & my family! If this is your first time here....WELCOME.....and if you are a return visitor, I hope you like the new look to my homepage!!!! Also if you have Cresendo or a similar midi player you can enjoy the background music on my page! I try to change the music often....just changed it today(4/21/00)...but I'll bet I'm back to "Linger" tomorrow ;)

My name is Debby & I live in the beautiful state of Missouri! We have lived here for 9 years & love it! I am married to my BEST friend....Dennis aka"Pappy" & we just celebrated our 27th anniversary!!! We have 4 sons; Michael 26, Ryan 23, Dennis Jr 20 & Nathan 11. We also have 3 grandchildren, Dakota 3, & Austin 1 and are Michael & Bobbi's, Alyssa 4, and is Ryan & Michae'ls(pronounced Michelle).Here's a family of the 3 of them. Dennis Jr has a new love in his life Kelli, who lives with us also...aren't they a cute couple?We have a new addition to our ever growing family....I'm a GREAT Aunt now!!!! My neice Angela & her boyfriend Kevin had a beautiful baby girl Caitlyn Marie on Jan 16th, 2000!!! Whatta DOLL! ;)

I work the evening shift at Walmart(ours is a Super Center, & it's open 24 hrs a day...7 days a week...364 days a year!) WE DID IT......we received an award for our district "Store of the Year"!!!!!! This is the 2nd time in 3 years for us....and this time was totally surprised by it! I have been there 3 1/2 years now and unload trucks(again).

I enjoy MANY crafts.....my first love being crochet! I really enjoy filet crochet & love to watch as a picture unfolds right before my eyes. I have made a "Welcome Friends" wallhanging done in white thread....and several "name" filet projects. I also have done up three with just last names, one for one of my manager's(Brian...the BEST overnight manager EVER) at Walmart, also for Christmas....one for my DIL Bobbi(just because) and another for my mom & dad for their anniversary. I recently found a filet book at Hobby Lobby called "Filet Crochet Charts" book #1 by Heirloom Creations, this is a fantastic filet crochet book as are their whole libraray! My largest filet project was an afghan done in white worsted weight of a Teddy Bear. The edging was several more rows of white, then 6 using primary colors to resemble a rainbow & finally a white ruffle! I made this for Dakota & completed it the night before he was born! And to keep with the Teddy Bear theme.....I have just started to crochet Teddy Bears from Leisure Arts leaflet #2760, called A Year of Teddy Bears. These are the cutest crocheted Teddy Bears that I have ever seen. I am also "hooked" on the Paradise Barbie patterns.....I'm yet to make one.....but MUST have these patterns :)I'm STILL working on the Indian Princess Doll...this has taken me OVER a year to do...this doll is sooooo close to being done too....it's just that there's soooooooooo much fringe on her. An internet friend "Jamie" send me a book called "Fashion Doll Showstoppers" which I quickly became addicted too. These gowns are crocheted with chenille yarn....after making 2 from the book I went on to change the "look" quite a bit and came up with these Bride and Bride2. I have 4 more almost done in hunter, burgandy, royal blue and a black & purple varigated(the last 3 are my own design too). I also have a vast collection of the big Leisure Arts Afghans books which I LOVE! I just started an afghan called "Fourth of July Fanfare"...but instead of using the traditional red, white & blue...I'm going "Americana" by using burgandy, soft navy & buff. It's really lookin good!

Other crafts that I enjoy doing are plastic canvas needlepoint, embroidery, crewel, bow making, wreaths, fabric painting & children's crafts. I recently "inherited" all of my mom's cross stitching supplies due to her eyes(she/we have Retinitis Pigamentosa a heritary eye disease) so I will be attempting to do it too...ok so it's been about 2 yrs since I updated....and the closest I have gotten to doing this is working with 14 count plastic canvas & the floss ;)

Click on to hear!Betty BoopClick on to hear!

I am also a HUGE fan of Betty Boop and have been collecting BB things for many years! I have watches, t-shirts, sweatshirts, pj's, postcards, air fresheners, ink pens, pins, key chains and my most prized possession......a porcelain doll made by my mom! Two good friends that I have met thru our chat channel & recently also met in person added to my Betty Boop collection on my birthday.....a Betty Boop bank that is soooooooo me....thank you Judy & Joe!!! I just keep adding....now I have got myself a Betty Boop Jacket....thanks to another internet friend....Jenny. Jenny did it AGAIN....she sent me the cutest Betty Boop keychain, just to brighten my day(and of course it worked!) Jenny just keeps on doing it to me.....now she recently sent me halogram Betty Boop stickers to add to my ever growing collection...thank you so much Jenny :) I also found a Betty Boop keychain at Wal-Mart & 5 at Target...all 6 on clearance too which made them even better! Ok my dear, sweet & wonderful brother Dan...you finally made it to my homepage.....he & his wife Donna just went to Puerto Vallarta(I'm GREEN with envy)...and he brought me back the coolest Betty Boop T-shirt. Betty is all tanned & in a "fine" swimsuit & says Pto Vallarta....all it needed was a "My brother went to Puerto Vallarta & all I got was this T-shirt"!!!!! Thanks Dan & Donna!!!!!! Also if you or someone you know is REALLY into Hot Wheel's, Dan's your man...if you can't find it.....he probably has it!!!! Judy was recently my secret pal in our chatroom & struck again with yet more Betty Boop goodies....she sent me a Betty Boop T-shirt that is awesome(that's 2 now that she has sent), a BB rubber stamp, a BB mug mat that she made and soooooooooo many more goodies.

Here are some links to websites I have found of Betty Boop:

Betty Boop Ceramics & T-Shirts

Betty Boop, Lucille Ball

Betty Boop's Homepage

Betty Boop Watches

Desperate Enterprises, Inc. - Tin Signs

Off The Deep End's Betty Boop a.k.a Boop-A-Rama

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These are some links to crafting sites that I think are really cool.....hope you enjoy them as much as I do

heartCROCHET LINKS:heart

Crochet Partner's Homepage
Crochet Pattern Index From Sunset
Doll Crochet Parlor
Free Stuff for Crocheters
The Mining Co This site has lots of patterns including a Butterfly Afghan!!
Crochet Nuts Anonymous


T's Place Teresa adds a new plastic canvas project that she designed herself every month....way to go T!!! She incorporates both her talents of plastic canvas & xstitch into her designs which makes them sooooooooooooo detailed!!!!!
TGAW's Plastic Canvas Designs
Plastic Canvas Bulletin Board
Canvas The Point Bulletin Board
Biggest Little Craft Mall....Plastic Canvas
Debi's Plastic Canvas Site Debi has really neat patterns on her site that she has designed!!
R&M Plastic CanvasThis plastic canvas site involves the whole family!!! It is a MUST SEE site....they even have a Princess Diana tissue box cover that is AWESOME!
Unii's Plastic Canvas Projects & Patterns
Peg's Craft Page

heartMISC. CRAFT LINKS:heart

Hobby Lobby's Homepage
Michael's Homepage
Ben Franklin Crafts
A World of Crafts
Craftnet Villiage Homepage
Creativity Connection
Aunt Annie's Craft Page
DMC Homepage
American School of Needlework
Free Stuff for Crafters
Free Stuff Links For Crafts and Needlework
Crafts 'n Things Homepage
Renuzit Air Freshner Crafts
Crafters Page

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Want to sent an ecard, virtual flowers or gifts to a special cyberfriend???? Then check these links out..........

Virtual Flowers
The Electric Postcard
Warner Bros. Web Cards
Build-A-Card Greeting Cards
Shawna's Virtual Flower Shop
Blue Mountain Arts
AWESOME Greeting Cards
Kellogg's E-Card Rack
Gund Greetings
Virtual Presents
Say It!
Hallmark Connections
Links to more cybercards
And if all those aren't enough...this site has more links than you will ever need to ecards!!!

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Okay...these links are for all you folks that crave FREESTUFF & CONTESTS!!!! These are just a few of my favorites. I have been doing this for just over a month now and have already received many FREE things including $$$$.

Volition Homepage....has freebies, contests, newsletters & of course links to more freebies & contests
Fat Cat Cafe Free Stuff & Contests
Tabbie's Free Stuff
The Zone

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And then there are Nate's favorite links too...........

Disney's Homepage
Uncle Bob's Kids' Page
Winnie The Pooh-An Expotition
Free Stuff For Kids
Games Domain
Tales From the Crypt
Lego Homepage...Nate also has a really neat homepage of his very own here!!

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Please don't forget to sign my guestbook....any suggestions or comments welcome. Also please let me know of any broken links or links you would like added.
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emailIf you'd like you can send me an E-Mail at:dndwhite1@home.com

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This page was last updated on 03/21/2000

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